Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cover W Magazine "Naked + Art + Beauty= Kim Kardashian"

The Best is on the next page!!!! Click Read More 


Photographs by Mark Seliger 
Artwork by Barbara Kruger



Anonymous said...

is there anything real abt her?

Anonymous said...

she hasn't had any surgery. she's all real.

Anonymous said...

She's a REAL gold digger. Lol!

Anonymous said...

OMG ignorance is soooo bliss.... She's a doll yes but 100% real NO. Kim has had not 1 but a couple breast implants & the Brazillian butt lift. So after she lost that weight 4 Quick trim she LOST the butt, so she now has Hydo Gel aka injections Honey. The celebs have been gettin that done 4 many yrs the public has just gotten hip 2 it. Lol

Anonymous said...

Soooo whaaaatttt! The girl is fine, that's all that matters and she would be fine without the butt! People need to stop hating on her! She looks great! And all women are fake in some way whether its weave or make up or even a push up bra! Get over it people and enjoy the view while it lasts! Geez!

Anonymous said...

The front of the magazine looks a lot different than the others. Her boobs and thighs look smaller on the cover. Are the other pics drawn or somethin? Or are they real pix? Well I guess we really never know right?

Anonymous said...

Adding to the above comment....She is gorgeous! Don't get me wrong.... just wanna know if its all real.....and damn her booty looks f'n HUGE. Haha

Anonymous said...

Gold digger? They were rich when her father was alive, and they've accumulated their own wealth through endorsements, and reality tv; as well as producing other reality shows. Gold digger? No. Business women?Hell yeah!

abater said...

Thats it, tell the world what you are made up for and any man or eye that go for you should not in any way stop you. this is real even better than those who give it out for money. Is your time. and there is no perfect one so give her the Gold.

Anonymous said...

People come on... You have hear of touch up everybody gets it. And I do have to say she is pretty , I've seem the show n whenever she's not made up she look everbody else. Make up does the trick. And of course, hair which we all know that she doesn't have any by now. Yes, she has had work done all over. Whenever we loss weight no matter how much we work out our butt, it go. Don't get me wrong , pictures are very beautiful. But, seriously having the right people, stylist, make-up artist. Who wouldn't look great.

Anonymous said...

lol you can clearly tell the male from female in these comments. However, to keep you folks up to date, Kim is 100% fake EVERYTHING... down to the extensions of weave in her hair. Sorry to disappoint you guys and gals who love her so deeply. Lately, she has been popping up everywhere nude, guess she needs to make that money back to pay for all that surgery work :) I still love her and like I tell my peeps, if I had her body I would like to sell it too.

Anonymous said...

Real or not, most women still can't look like this with airbrush and surgeries. Do you.

Jersey said...

Gold digger? Are you for real? Do you know how much money she makes on her own? Her family has money and always had. Stop hatin so much people. What did she do to you? Wow ignorance must truly be bliss because some of you are stuck on stupid.

Anonymous said...

This isn't art its porn Lol
Sex sales and she sold herself out! She is pretty but she didnt have to get naked.

Anonymous said...

its amazing that so many ppl stick up 4 her saying she's a business woman. right. she's nothing but a glorified hoe. she got famous from a sex tape and u call her a business woman. no a business woman is a woman who uses her intellect 2 get further in life not t & a. and the one person said she'd still be beautiful without the butt. correction its the makeup that makes her beautiful cuz without it she's average at best. this doesnt do anything but show little girls that all u need 2 be successful is pretty and have a nice body when that is so not true. it's time we stop glorifying this behavior and start glorifying the women who work hard 2 make it in the corporate world or the legal world or the medical world.

miss kesha said...

Just want to say people really need to stop hating on other if she have the body for it then get it girl. Love the pic that's a part of beauty!

Anonymous said...

I'm a man and I'm all about using intellect and education to get ahead. I'm not even a big Kardash fan but you can't take away the fact that the girl has drive and a business mindset. Trust me, she aint the only pretty girl w/ a huge butt and flat stomach. Don't believe me? Go 2 South Beach on Mem.Day Weekend. There's a reason she's where she's at. Corporate CEO's and Owners do shady things 2 get their millions, hers is just on screen. Learn 2 love others success and don't hate.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't know why you have to be a hater to not like her. Dislike and HATE are NOT the same thing. people throw around the word "hater" too much nowadays. I say do you, Kim. It's her life after all. but 1. she's fake-- physically. That's not hate it's a fact. A push up bra isn't fake, deceitful, yes, fake NO cuz you still have to have something REAL to put in the push up. A B-cup is still that whether you push it to your chin or strap it down flat. Weaves are fake, yes. Anything that ADDS to you not enhances you is fake. Make-up is an odd one as it can be used in both formats. You wouldn't say a woman with lipstick on has fake lips, would you? But fake lashes are just that-- fake. Also, you can be rich and still be a gold digger-- you are then just a greedy gold digger, but using people for money (especially a woman using a man) is gold digging I don't care if the woman has 1 dollar or a million to start with.

Anonymous said...

*** At the end of the day who cares? She's just another old woman trying to keep up with the young folks. She figured out a way to get rich in this economy - How about we all do the same. Instead of promoting her, and keeping her pockets heavy, lets do it for ourselves.

Angelina said...

i am not mad at her at all! not mad at her mom for getting a commission. in the end it is about money.....she is single, lonely, aging and everyone knows (she did it to herself with the tv show)! all the make up, weight loss schemes, and money could not cover up the sadness. beauty doesn't matter if you are never loved and always alone!

Chrystal said...

Ok,She does have a some what fake body. She does only date men who has money. That doesnt make her a gold digger or a hoe. That makes her lucky as hell. If I had the money my stomach would be and my butt would be plump. I don't need breast because Im greatly blessed by god in that department. As for money uhhh...HELLO!!!! If you had the amount in your account she has I hope you also make wise choices about who u date/marry because men can also be gold diggers.

Anonymous said...

Kim is a great girl and i hate to see her bashed but it comes with the territory when you make more money than the haters! Work your body, style, and talent girl!

Anonymous said...

It is what it is! She have fake parts.. She , whether you like it or not she tend to be whoreish... You put your life in the SPOTLIGHT, you have people talk about it.. I wouldn't say she's a gold digger, because it doesn't seem she wants any money, she just wants to be known for sleeping with a certain calibar of man... With all that being said do you Kim, your the one who has to live with how you live your life, no one else!!

Anonymous said...

that shyt aint art .... she looks totally fake if u cant see that ur blind i dont give a shyt either way im jus sayin....

Unknown said...

look at that ass

Unknown said...

all them haters is women that wish they had a body like hers because if you a real dude you dont care if her butt, breast, legs ,thighs etc.. is fake or real.Youll never catch a man saying ''Man I would smash or date Kim cause her body is fake." That sounds stupid.

Anonymous said...

But you do hear men say "Man I would smash or date Kim cause her body." Whether men care or not if it's fake (or the man who said it I should say since not all men are the same-- so I like to hold out faith/belief) the fact that they are shallow enough to only want her just because of her body speaks to the mentality of men. "smash" is one thing because that's lust driven. Sex is lust driven, 9/10. but DATE is something else. Any man who would date a woman just because of her body... there are no words.

Anonymous said...

i love kim... And her body... Even if its fake or not... Kim do ur thing get money... Cuz there are haters everywhere... Ur fine get money and have fun... Even if she dont like the pics i love them...

Anonymous said...

Lmao, this isn't ART!!!
But GOD she's hot.

Anonymous said...

ha i love how that person compared people getting surgery to wearing make up wow dumbest thing ive ever heard

Unknown said...

She is absolutely gorgeous but she doesnt realize my nieces n younger girls in my family are coming up do they need this person to be a role model? smh its bad enough for women to get respect as an equal so we as beautifully equipt women rather make it worse by exploitation to ourselves and then we wonder why men dont respect our privacy or US for all that smh this perverted trend needs to stop b4 women become slaves of no right smh we r the prey men r hunters pls ladies let them hunt u jus keep hiding the goods love is not of the heart its about the $$$ and the sexiest woman alive neva mind how smart she is or how respectful she carries herself right? smgdh @ Kim

Anonymous said...

Eh I don't care if she's real or fake, whether she's a whore, gold digger or whatever. What she does doesn't help or hurt my life. I think people tend to put too much into celebrities. They are just people with money who are on tv. SO WHAT!!! I'm working on getting my money up - my way! I'm hot and I'm working on a PhD so Kim who? #POW# lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...Well I'm sure everyone knows those tits and ass are fake for sure but I must say she's very pretty and she has great style.But she shouldent be showing her body that's fucking nasty to me,why she does that is it for attention I'm wondering?But it is her life any ways but to its crazy lol!

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