Thursday, December 9, 2010

Transformers Dark of the Moon - Trailer

There back and they took it back to the past 1st time man kind stepped on the moon, but the question was we the first to step on the moon? check it out and tell me what you think


Maximvs said...

dam so far away! but i saw UNICRON!

andrea said...

wow i cannot wait i love transformers... i just hope they have some of the actors from the previous 2 movies

Chico said...

i know shia labouf r how ever u spell it is in it but megan fox quit there is a new girl

Anonymous said...

Megan Fox did not quit, she got into a big argument with the movie producer so he fired her && said that Shia Labeouf needed to focus on the more important stuff anyways, so the producer decided to kill Megan Fox off.

Anonymous said...

i'm screamin like a gurl... megan was over rated anyway... this is gonna be epic

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