Monday, January 10, 2011

Tucson shooting victims: lives remembered

Tucson shooting victims: lives remembered

By James Buck and Melissa Bell
Christina-Taylor Green, Judge John Roll, Dorwan Stoddard, and Phyllis Schneck
From top left: Christina-Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, Dorwin Stoddard and Phyllis Schneck (AP)
A third-grade budding school politician who wanted to meet her congresswoman. A 30-year-old community outreach worker who had a deep belief in his boss's work. A 76-year-old church leader who reportedly dove in front of his wife to block her from the gunfire.
Christina-Taylor Green, Gabe Zimmerman and Dorwin Stoddard were three of the 20 people shot on Saturday at a street corner meeting in Tucson between a local congresswoman and her constituents. The event turned into a massacre, when a man identified by police as Jared Loughner opened fire on the crowd with a semi-automatic weapon.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) remains in critical condition; six people were killed. Who were the vicitims? Read about their lives here and add your memories and condolences on each person's Face of the Fallen page:

Christina-Taylor Green: A "Face of Hope," this 9-year-old politician often wore red, white and blue in honor of her country.
Gabe Zimmerman: Recently engaged and one of Giffords's aides, he was known as a master in dealing with other people.
John M. Roll: A widely respected federal judge, Roll received death threats in 2009 after his decision allowed a case brought forward by illegal immigrants to proceed to a jury trial.
Dorwin Stoddard: A fixture at the Mountain Avenue Church of Christ, Stoddard blocked his wife from gunfire, eyewitness reports said.
Phyllis Schneck: A great-grandmother, the 79-year-old retiree admired Giffords's stance on border safety.
Dorothy Morris: The 76-year-old retiree, Dorothy Morris, attended the event with her husband and high school sweetheart George Morris.

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