Nicki Minaj knows what you're looking at. The Young Money star sat down with Funkmaster Flex on MTV and discussed the public fascination with her most booty-ful asset. Like J. Lo and Serena before her, Minaj's rump has become its own kind of celebrity.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Nicki Minaj On Her Ass-ets
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I like Nicki, but I think she needs to real and not wear the butt pads, but to each their own.
Its not the booty that wears the woman but the woman that wears the booty!! "Blessed"
Get at me on
She clearly is NOT wearing but pads. People are just jealous thats all. Shake whatcho mama gave ya...
Like mike epps said it before. It ain't ur booty ots ur beauty.. But that nigga was lying. Haha
@Candace she can't shake what her mama gave her because this isn't her real ass. Look at older pics of her that type of butt doesnt happen over night in natural.
You can see clearly those are NOT 'butt pads'. Poeple are just jealous. Shake whatcho mama gave ya OR whatchu bought...
@candace she might not be wearing butt pads. but shes not shaking what her momma gave her nicki manja is fake as fck! espically her ass
Lol shake wat ya mama gave ya ! To she aint get it from her mama lmfao
Her ass is as real as da wig on her head. Keep it 100 lo ok @ her b4 she got fame. No ass at all
The Link...
I think she is a very pretty girl but her booty is not real at all but hey if u can get a booty like hers why not!!!!!!!!
No she isnt wearing butt pads she just has bit implants thats all lol. She needs to keep it 100.
She was prettier before all the surgery. Nobody is "hating" on Nikki. She's just fake.
She Cearly is wearing but pads he as isen't that fat anyone who thinks it a total asshole like seriously its obvious its but pads..but who cares she sucks anyway
its not hers she had shots when she first came she had no ass go watch the come up videos lol
I love Nicki, but we all should know her butt is fake ! Look at her in 2007, she looks completely different. All that plastic surgery -____-
Ppl can even look recently at how on 106 & party she had those white shorts on with no ass at all...then when she came back to 106 & park with the all black on her ass was Buffy the Body!!! lmao..They are definitely but pads because u cant take implants out and put them back in... Nicki is as fake as the hair on her head!
She looked better before she had all that work done. Unfortunately everything on her has been redone..nose, teeth, cheeks, boobs, butt..wth..i take natural beauty anyway. Just b happy with who u are
I dont think she wearing but pads,ppl be saying look at her older pics,well people change rigth infront of ur eyes,its like ppl getting fat. They prolly gonna be like damn shes wearing big momma's fat vest....i dunno even tho she had but pad,we shudnt care,she migth rap sum hard shit but it aint coming out her ass....
it doesnt matter if its fake or not, its not your body/butt to be complaining about, its deff not butt pads tho, she got injections when she started getting dough, and if she sucks fuck it cuz she probably gets more money then everyone commenting on this, has the most sales out of any female hip hop artist in history
Padded butt padded bra what's the difference they both enhance your booty and boobs
She Was Ugly As Fuk Before she got her face implants butt implants boobs implants the keeps it 85% REAL TALK
I love nicki..who gives a fck if her ass is fake! Haters! If u ain't a nicki fan then u bitches deaf dumb! Lol stop hatin on the bitch!
I just wanna say everybody need 2 get off her dick, hell & her ass. Shit im just sayin um bout 2 go get me a ass like that ma self. & nikki's da shit. GO NIKKI!
To all the smart ppl that can see it's NOT butt pads...THANK YOU. To the ones who can't, look @ her in swim wear/lingerie!! Can't get that from padding, but yes it's obviously fake. I LOOOOVE Nicki, but some outfits aren't for that booty. The way the top curves into it, and the way it comes out on the sides...NOOO, LoL!!
Nikki Minaj is not fat wen she first started out she was a thick girl.wit the success that god brought she lost a Lil weight and looks better then before.and plus y'all don't knw for sure if that's her booty u can't go by wats being seen on tv. U guys up here talking hella stuff and she ain't did to u.she another young lady living life wit the talent the lord has given on some real ish lay off.and plus she ain't doin nun to y'all so stop riding hop tf off.y'all up here calling her fake but yet y'all up here talking mess bout her so how u look?.....reflect on wat I say take it as something to think about and be positive.don't be negative cause if u get mad it's because it's true,the truth hurts.well god bless!!!! <3 Nikki Minaj keep up the good work <3
Her butt is fake but I give nikki her props she knew wha she was doin when she got her ass done she knw thats wha men like and it will keep them focused and keep them talkin bout her if anybody had nikkis money they would probably go get somethin on them fixed too ijs keep it real
like she said, as long as you talkin bout Nikki its all good! people put wayyy too much thought,talk and haterism in celeberties aka people you dont really know anything about,except their talent! I personally don't think shes attractive, but she is somewhat talented, and whatever she is doing is working! so you go girl!
She's tht bitch point blank period...really it doesn't matter how fake she is...she's the hottest female rapper out right now and y'all talkin shit about how fake her body is ain't doin her no justice ..her albums still gonna sell!!I AM TEAM NICKI!!
No you can't take implants out, true. They aren't implants She's had butt shots more than once!!
If they were pads would they show shots if her add cheeks hanging out?! Fucking idiots.. obviously she's had work done so wat.. if you could afford it you would fix something too..
She does call herself the black barbie, right? Barbie is plastic. Nicki came on the scene as a performer so maybe this is part of her character. Tho I'm not a big fan, this is her life and career, I just hope that the younger girls who watch her understand that she is a performer and it is her job to put on a show (if she used her real body or the implants). Just like Lady Gaga or any other performer. Keep doing you Nicki
Chile please, she would get lost in the crowd in Memphis, Tn. Y'all call that an ass? My 12 year old niece has more ass. Than her... LOL FOOLISHNESS
Everybody needs to stop hating on her cause y'all ass aint that big. Nicki fam is from the islands and yall know how big they asses are so stop the hating.Thx <3
She isnt wearing but pads but she does have butt implants! She has admitted it plenty of time....where have u people been?
Plz butt inplants r fake..n dats what she is...i like a couple of songz...but shez not real..just like barbie not real....after a while she'll get old 2 every1..cuz a new artist will b out...i wanna know what she gonna do den? U know every1 changes there image..
Y is everybody so critical of nickis ass real rap she got in the game cuz she can rap not cuz of her ass.....but I still love that ass and she's a bad bitch npne the less mickey ds "I'm lovin it"
Look I like Nicki she is made like surgical wise. Not only has she sdmit to it on serveral mags tht deal in hiphop bt on her first hit the camera man who was doing her behind the scens exclusive caught her with a crooked buttpad and exposed her himself. After tht she mvr let her ass face towards the camera on any other award show until she had her surgery. Nicki just wantd a booty.beyonce ate to gain weight..its jst a insecurity bought on by men andthe media
Who gives fck if her ass is natural or not?! She got butt inplants! So what! Just cuz her ass is fake does not make her fake. People get breast implants all the time, so what?! People are always hating, talking bout "im not hating ijust think shes fake cuz her ass is fake" it sounds rediculous. I KNOW her ass is fake and i still say she and her fake booty are fly!
Plain and simple ppl need to stop HATIN!! If she got implants she got implants damn....what y'all jealous?
@Steve right she has admitted to her booty being fake...but she stil got some good songs..and this ain't hate. Its truth. We that r 100% real want to b represent by a real women with no insecurities abt her looks or no surguries....not a barbie which is a factory made doll. So when she says things like "I'm doing this. 4 women" we r like wat? Huh? Rapping? ...cuz body wise she can't...she's been surgically altered..n b4 tht caught on an exclusive interview for her 1st hit wit a crook n her buttpads
Qwa say's that Ms.Nicki is the best female rapper out their and if people dnt like wat she is doing or wat she got going on back off cause all u MF on here telling your stuff listen to her music at the same time so she has to be doing something right keep makin that great music Ms.Nicki....
Well shez da hottesr female right now till sum1 else comes out..but my ? Is what happenz den..will she change her image like every1 else does...n what would she change 2
It doesn't really matter if her assets are real or fake....congragulate her for keeping her name in everyones mouth. Many women do things to improve their appearance, it doesn't make them fake. If something makes her feel good and doesn't hurt anyone else she should do it...I in no way h8 on other women...we should support one another more. H8in is some highschool ish
stop posting shit about me!!!!!!!!!!!!..:((((
her butts not real, her hairs not real, her nose isnt real, her smile isnt real, her boobs arent real, her lyrics arent real... that bitch is a barbie cuz everything on her is plastic.
Just like all the fake hair, if she bought the fake booty, its still hers. She is an entertainer, not a rocket scientist. Some folks just hateful lol
Stop.worrying about it she can have a fake one or not it ain't like she talking about it but yalll talking about it because y'all ugly and ain't got no ass so back the fuck! Off
Nd plus y'all love her music like me so stfu and get a life u dumb hoes
hahahahaha...this is awsum!!!!
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i swear like i would put my tongue anywhere on her body ANYWHERE
i dont care if its fake or not, its still a nice butt
At the end of the day who cares what we think. It's what she wants and what she likes. If she likes what she see when she look in the mirror who cares. It's funny how people want her to keep it 100 and half the time they ain't keeping it a 100. It is what it is she hot n the haters got a problem with her ass.
I really dont care about her look I honestly like her music I just got upset for the simple fact tht she stated tht she was and is the best female hip hop artist out.... NOT TRUE maybe now yea but aint nobody out but some of the things she is doin is not new at all lets go bac to the original ladies ppl they did itfirst niccki just puts the face expressions in it ...
Love you Nicki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y'all real mad bout chick butt though... don't matter if its real or fake. through all the hatin calling her fake your still tlking about her. Booty made have been made in a lab but it looks good to me. Half of yall chicks on her cant tlk any way. some of y'all got track and right now patting ya damn head.
Who cares but is fake Or if it is real It does not make a the person that she really is quit hatin damn
First of all folks...look at her ass in that picture. Now look at her ass on a regular. Her ass on a regular is ten times bigger than that. So she aint got butt pads in THIS picture but I bet she wouldn't pose sitting straight up on that bike. Skinny bitches can make themselves look like they got something.
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Peple those are not butt pads obviously they are butt inplants dumb ass she isn't real just a barie her titties are fake too damn people u cnt tell real from fake
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Look at that other chick with the ass, Buffy the Body. She was DUMB skinny. So what she did was gained weight and only worked out her upper body. Minaj may not be wearing ass pads she coulda just sculpted herself like Buffy did.
Man i really dont care bout wats real or fake on her if i could i would still do wateva wit or 2 her
Whether her ass is fake or not Nikki is playing the part. This is her Barbie image, small waist, fat ass, smooth skin, perky tits..and the wigs just makes her stand out more. is all suppose to be exaggerated and perfection. I like the image and thinks she is doing a good..job..the fact that people take time to debate it proves she is doing her job lol.
Ok so like everyone has an issue in reference to her butt and if it's real or not ... fyi, it isn't real.
The young lady has had injections and if she had chosen to have them, she's an adult and she can feel free to do so. She has some very different music to which some I enjoy and she's an attractive young lady.
Info on it ...
it's actually called The brazilian Butt fill.
they take fat from one part of your body (liposuction), then they inject that fat into the buttocks area. being that the fat is from your body, your body won't reject.
Omg everybody STFU abt if her butt real or fake...thats all mxthafxckas worry abt is her butt. How abt yall worry abt GETTIN MONEY because clearly thats what Nicki doin. Smell like a bunch of haters on this bxtch. && it be tha bxtches wit NO ASS && tha niggas who know they wouldnt have a chance wit het that be poppin tha most shxt abt her..smh get a life
It's fake but I love her everything about her..
Fake ass fake everything some her raps are cool but Im still not a Nickie fan.......then I guess I'm deaf dumb Lmao (kanye shrug) oh well.
OMFG GUYS THEY'R IMPLANTS!!!! look at some interviews.. she admits they are fake but NOT pads! besides, who gives a shit? she looks good either way and she's a good rapper! GET OFF HER NUTS!!!
I feel like if you got it then you got it yall bad built bitches really need to fall back. don't dislike her fuck just get like her. the n. o loves you nicki you other hoes can walk in traffic.
LLH at the dumb person that said implants can't be removed.... lol... dummy they can and they have... and LLH at the person who said she would get lost in a crowd in Memphis, maybe in a crowd of strippers cuz last time i checked Memphis folks are just like any other city (except 4 the high ass crime rates), sum have assests and some dont.... Newho let Nicki do her and yall do yall... all of those thats talkin about her Butt are the ones that wish they can get or was blessed with one... so stop the hatin and get ya weight up and maybe u can afford a couple of ass shots or implants
Nicki is dat dude point blank period... How she looks is what's makin her climb higher on tha charts... She's ah Bad Bitch... I Fucks wit her the Long way... Her Looks got u going Ham.. And hur creativity on the lyrical and how she deliver is like no other... she da SHIT.. HOW EVER U PUT IT. A FUCKIN TREND SETTA.. AND SHE ON WIT DA HOTTEST.. YOUNG MONEY.. SHE DAT DUDE.. I FUCKS WIT HER HEAVY...
She has gotten booty shots (silicone). I know a few people with them. She's was blessed with beauty not booty lol!
I remember her she she first started n she didn't have ass like that..u see what money can do..
....who cares? i have better things to worry about.
Obviously a Fake butt, but hey it looks good on her Wayne bought it so its his investment and i sure it helped her make her money. The dudes love it... Shes still good at what she does.
If yall are going to like someone at least be real about who that person is and know who you're liking. Don't defend them and the truth is being spoken . Everything about Nikki Minaj is FAKE , from her butt to her boobs to her cheek bones teeth , hair etc , hint the word BARBIE and yet you females want to be like her. PATHETIC . glad I have a REAL ass on my back.... wack followers.
SO SAD that she has become a symbol for women everywhere to look up too..I personally like my women without plastic..LOL she is literally trying to turn herself into a real life Barbie..
nicki is fake point blank her ass is fake her hair is fake her nose is fake i think she even bleaches her skin cuz back in high skool she was darker
Some r born with it other quickly become millionairs and can afford to cash out on a great one like hers:)
If you knew Nicky BEFORE she came into the lime light she didn't have any breasts nor a butt like that. SHE DID HAVE SURGERY!!!
She might as well shake what she got now because in a few years that plastic ass is gonna be down to her knees.
Ok, first of all most of ya'll can't spell lol second, the topic was about her assets so let me spit for a minute. I like her music and she is hot whether she has a fake butt or not. She is creating the image the image that attracts and sells. It's a business that doesn't care about your inner beauty it's all about the talent and again the image. I personally would'nt get implants;famous or not and I would'nt flaunt my body I'd focus more on my God given talent.I'm still a fan so ride it until the muthafuckin wheels fall off girl!
Duh there not butt pads, there butt implants... If u think she was born like that please slap yourself.. When lil wayne first introduced her in 07 her ass was NO where I mean NO where near that big... Look it up if u dont believe me
Like R.F.T. thats not okay at all..... i mean she makin money with it but ummmmm that aint right be happy about what you were born with not what money can buy
Anyone who thinks shes a good rapper must think weezys good too lmao. She isnt even on the same level as jean grae
Doesn't matter. If she get naked in front of a real nigga he's fucking that.. Period.
Real nigga #1 here, if she get naked N front of me I'm not asking if its fake or not ima just do what niggaz do..fuck it, hell I hope it is fake so she kan remember me forever as tha nigga that popped tha implant in her ass. Sawoop! Nicki's ballin so this doesn't matter 2 her, just something for yall 2 pikture..Denver,Co is N tha Building. Shout out 2 Kevin Pistol"if the walls in spot kould talk"....
well damn, evryone want to hate on her but look at wat yall doing, yall r complaining whether she is fake or not...give me a damn break, she makn that money an yall arent...yall just helpn her stay in the limelight...lmao retards...i dont hav a big azz an nor am i hating on her azz, its hers she paid for it an if yall dont like it then dont look at a tru fan of urs nicki...not a hater...u go girl an do the damn thng, fuck wat they talkn bout, they not the ones payn prople r just too damn slow these days
eh she had some booty before and lets not forget them perfect tits she gots also so as far as im concerned, if its implants or not ima hit and every dude up in here would too and if not ur fuckin lying
Itz krazy. Cuz she can't shake wat her mama gave her cuz she had no azz she got her azz injected so at da end of da day she had a flat azz till she got $ den she bought a azz...
Real or fake its hers now & the shit look good . Beyonce said it best " if you got it fault it " ! So everybody should stop hating & mind there own smfh uplift eachother not put them down .
LOL..@candace..She can't shake what her momma gave her cause she wasn't born with that..but just like any other person that gets plastic surgery that's what they want so they get it..that's no different than what she did..But I have to say i love Trina cause she loves herself the way she is and she embodies it well..she worked it out and look at the results..ALL NATURAL!
ijs everytime a celebrity got a big ol' booty people wana say the ish is fake...Jealousy aint cute on no onw....if you see a bitch in yo hood with a big ol' booty like nicki do you also accuse her of having a fake ass come on yall....dont hate appriciate!!!!!!! I do!!!
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she has said it herself that they are fake. like people get breast implants she has the butt. they are placed under the skin. I know i dont have ass and im not gonna buy them either but if thats what she wants to do with her money then go for it.
The ass is fake she get silicone injections and some times wear butt pads, I'm not being jealous or anything because I have a big ass to but mine is 100% real but wanting a big ass now a days is getting outta control. Women are doing anything to get one be happy with what you have.
I love me some Nicki but I keeps sh.t 100 & her ass is fake. The only think I can't say is whether it's pads or injections but she cant shake her ass, did u see her lap dance performance on Wayne? that ass aint budge lol I can make my sh.t clap she cant do that but her ass is making her $$$$ just like her music so keep promoting it boo! I STILL LOVE YOU NICKI M.
--xoxo Hershey.Bae
ok so no nicki's ass isn't real but tht does mean tht shes not. she is who she is and if her ass allows her to get tht money, let her get it. apparently u not @ anonymous thts why u r so angry about her ass. Hell go buy u one and maybe you'll b on top too...or not.
Shid why yall mf's on here hatin if I didnt have no ass & got da money to buy me an ass I wouldve done the same damn thing. Clearly yall aint stoppin her frm gettin her money. The more yall hattin ass bitches kind hatin she gone keep gettn money!!! If yall keep doin yall jobs her ass mite jus get even bigger. Who da fuck cares about her ass she fuckin talented so get over it.Nicki f u did have surgery da shit looks good NoHomo...look @ lil kim now she loks like a damn FOOOOOLLLL but yall aint talkin shyt but her ol funny lookn ass. Da bitch was pretty at one point n time but now she jus looks dum....#REALTALK...NICKI CHY FUCK DEM & DO U!!!
I mean damn...does it really matter??? her ass fake WOW get over it. Because at tha end of tha day she still got money which MAJORITY of yall haters on her don't have. Its an ass....stop catching brain cramps to figure out if its real or not
Its crazy how people be catching feelinz abt her ass lmaoooo
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I like the way Niki raps, I give a damn about her ads who cares! Move on people or get your own life!
Well hell everybody talking about Nicki's ass look at Trina her shit ain't real either lol
She has butt implants, not but pads.
Her ass fake titties fake hair fake but tht money she gettin real as hell... quit jockin da chick damn.... mos y'all prolly mad cuz u cant get a ass like that lol i was blessed wit my donk sum jus aint tht lucky
yall needa stop hatin on tht girl. yall jus mad cus she out there gettin it && doin it big. it don't matter what yall think. cas regardless she is still human. #YouTheBaddest. && keep doin ya thing ma :) -valerieebadass [:
Stipulation & speculation!!
When u know someone who knows someone who knows someone then you know. The deal with her is YES her butt is fake! It's NOT implants & it's NOT put pads. She had injections done. One time the person messed her up a little bit on one cheek so one had an indentation. She had a little bit of butt before, but the RUMP we all know now is injections. To be honest ALOT of the chics u see that are really small with huge butt's, video vixins, strippers & some of your every day ppl have gotten this done. You would honestly be amazed! Just a little FACT to all the specualtion. :-)
Nicki Minaj dissapoints me because she teaches young girls to basically transorm your body so you can get attention smh she's a role model to millions of little girls who gotta hear her talk about ass and sex all the damn time talk about something positive like loving yourself for who you are and not what others want you to be...This is coming from a 20yr old mother with a beautiful little daughter and I'll tell you one thing, SHE IS NOT ALLOWED TO LISTEN TO NICKI MINAJ. Get out the fairytale world and into the real world and actually talking about something worth listening to. I see why people see right through her, hell I can see right through her!
ummm if your 20 how old is your daughter I'm assuming very young not older than 3 probably so why would your daughter even know who nicki is?
I honestly don think she got that much surgery done. I mean yeah of course her butt is fake, only a dumb ass would think other wise. But people say she got her face done and shit and I don think so. Make-up is a hell of a thing if you seen Nicki without her make-up to this day she still looks the same. She might've though be I just don see it. But she doesn't call herself a barbie for nothing so we know she had some stuff done.
ok it might not be her real butt but who really cares ? if she got her butt , boobs , face or whatever else done , when you got that type of money why not go all out ? its her body #WHO CARES . ya shouldnt be focusing on her butt anyways. her music is what shes famous for . ok ? ok . So there all yous go .
Doesn't matter about if it's real or fake didn't ya'll just read the blog lmao as long as someone talking bout Nicki minaj its good. NICKI MINAJ IS A BAD BITCH LOOKS BUT MORE SO HER MUSIC TEAM#1FAN
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