Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rakim Declares His Favorite Verse

Rakim Declares His Favorite Verse
Rakim recently shared his favorite verse. The man considered by many to be the greatest emcee of all time selected his classic 1992 track "The Punisher" from the Eric B. & Rakim album Don't Sweat the Technique as his brightest moment as a lyricist.
“My favorite song might be ‘The Punisher’ that I did," he told Soul Culture TV. "My favorite verse might be, ‘Go manufacture a mask show me after / A glass of a master that has to make musical massacres.’”
“Four bars, two bars right there at that time was kind of like a new style to pop off," Rakim explained. "And for some reason, it was just one of those things that I always felt like ‘Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s it right there.’ At certain times, I might feel a different verse or different joint, but coming up, I just remember all the time that couple of bars. I don’t want to be rude, but it kind of made my joint hard.”

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