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These are text messages i exchange with my 17 year old cousin bennett. he is a white boy that thinks he's a crip, works at amoco, has a ...
Pop superstar Rihanna was seen smoking on something that resembled a marijuana blunt while relaxing in Hawaii. The singer has never been...
n thats why i would never get married. gold diggers are everywhere, atleast get one thats going to ride till the end no matter what.
Infidelity is gonna cost ya...LMAO
If you keep it in your pants and only let it out for the one your married too then you wouldn't have to worry.For Vanessa it would not have been so easy had Kobe stayed faithful...
damn kobe's bitch look fine as hell
whatever can i get a donation?for real kobe.
She can't say she didn't know he was gettin' around. Sad that those two little girls of theirs will be put in the middle of all of this bullshit!
marrying outside the race doesnt have anything to do with it...i cant even count how many couples go through this that are the same race..he messed up 1-not getting a prenup, and 2-messing around knowing he didnt have a prenup....smh...oh well on to the next one..
lol!!! KARMA IS A BITCH!!! i always knew she wasn't going to let him get away with cheating on her!!! go ahead Girl get yours!!!!
if he wasnt cheatin on her left and right then maybe she wouldnt have to file for divorce..her step dad is just mad cause hes still paying for her do the crime your gunna have to pay for the time lol
He shouldn't have cheated.. Keep it in your pants and it won't cost to clean it He's getting just what he deserves. She's not a golddigger... He's an ASSHOLE!!!!!
How They gold diggers and they got cheated on. If you stay faithful then you wouldn't have to worry about paying for what you did.She deserve the world cause nobody need to be cheated on. Money can't count for the pain that she has been marked with for life.
This is Kobe Bryant that ya'll talking about, every bitch he meet is nothing but a money hungry hoe, I mean seriously.
She doesn't deserve what she is asking for though, not like she was washing any clothes or raising kids on her own, she was a stay at home wife and Kobe provided more than she needed.
Seriously the bitch had maids and butlers doing everything, only thing this bitch had to do was fuck that man. But instead she was plotting on hoe to, oops I mean how to get his money.
Fuck her! Take the kids, let Kobe pay child support and give her like 20 mill and leave the shit alone.
How is she a gold digger?? I am sure she didnt PLAN this.....If he hadn't GOT CAUGHT none of this wouldn't be...BETTER yet if he didn't cheat. SO GET YOUR $$$$$ Vanessa girl! ;)
For the people blaming this on race, grow up. If the men had kept their dick in their pants they wouldn't be in the position they are in now. Her dad wasnt worried about college tuition when he was stepping out on her mother. He sounds like the bitter one.
Its ignorant to state he should of stayed in his diggers come in all races.(An most gold diggers I have met are black chicks) So anywho...An I hope she gets all she can get..any man who cheats after being forgiven numerous times before deserves any misery he gets..#Dumbass
Big dummy...He deserved it, he opened up the door I hope she cleans him out. Never liked Kobe anyway ever since he turned on Shaq!
Has nothing to do with race or anything of that nature. Simply can't forget that she got caught with shaq supposedly. Cheating doesn't make a person wait ten years to clean up that is simply pre-meditated. Yes his bad for not getting a prenup.
All that woman's gonna get is Alimony and child support. Anything else she can go to cold stone and eat a dick flavored sundae with cum on the edges of the bowl #fuckouttahere... Greedy ass broads
SERIOUSLY?! A gold digger?! She put up with his shit for 10 years and had his kids? People trip me out. He did all his dirt and used her as arm candy and whatever other sexual things, cheated on her and humiliated her and her children time and time again. Marriage has vowes for a reason. U break them, that hurt is hard to get over. So she waited her ten years to make sure her and her kids ONLY were set. Called being a wife, ur entitled to it how many trips to the doctor did she have to make in ten years? Marriage isn't just a walk in the park, ESPECIALLY with a no good cheater. Doesn't matter how much money he makes, he taught his daughters this is how men are supposed to treat you.... no one ever cares when a man, especially an athelete, messes up, but let a woman get what's owed to her according to the law and SHE's the one with the problem....gtfoh. "she did it outta spite, I have a 6 year old" MAYBE IF U KEPT IT N YOUR PANTS YOU'D STILL BE MARRIED, SHOULD HAVE BUDGETED YOUR SIX YEAR OLD IN WHILE YOU WERE "laying it low and spreading it wide" (mama braxton would say)
Im sorry for all women who are with cheating husbands and you have kids together, wait ten years regardless of his job title and clean him out. #Sarcasm
She will be a candidate for NBA wives.
yeah he's an dumbass and she's a golddigger. bet if there wasn't a LAW where she would get half his money she wuda left him long time ago or still be with him living the rich life. somebody said "girl get yours" wrong! it's "get his'" bottom line she still gone depend on his money...sry but to me, depending on someone else is nothing to celebrated about, i wouldn't want anything from that person, then again low-life ppl are everywhere. bottom line his still gone get paid. he'll give her money till she remarries(doubt she will) or dies(wut he's really hoping for at this time)
All I got to say is if she was fuckin him how he wanted to be fucked, he wouldn't have even wondered bout goin nowhere else.
I can guarantee she was fucking him and doing everything else he wanted done but men like that are never going to stay faithful because first off they are greedy and once money goes to they head they know they can get certain females to do whatever as well. Mostly all of these athletes I can promise you has committed infidelity.
Just because people have problems in their marriages is no reason for you to not believe in marriage or even love. Race has nothing to do with it. Cheating does. And if you think it is not a lot of work to fall in love with a man who is never home to hold you when you need him or there for your children when they cry for him, then you have got another thing coming. Whatever her motivations, she is owed at least a portion ESPECIALLY since he cheated on her and PUBLICLY got caught. It would be a whole different thing if she couldn't prove it. Also take into account that they had been together since before Kobe signed up with the NBA. And stop hating on her for being smarter that you.
What does race have to do with anything??? stop sounding so ignorant, please.
It wouldnt matter if he cheated or not....California is a no fault divorce state.
Just wish it was more loyality these day lamarr odom is next.
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