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These are text messages i exchange with my 17 year old cousin bennett. he is a white boy that thinks he's a crip, works at amoco, has a ...
Pop superstar Rihanna was seen smoking on something that resembled a marijuana blunt while relaxing in Hawaii. The singer has never been...
Damn amber....u fucked up ::Wiz watch ur back!!
You next Wiz, drop her ass!
What do u expect from a hip hop hoe ? Thats where most make their mistake,decieved by the pretty face.
it just got real.. but Ye said that in Blame Game…they had dirt on each other like mud wrestlers.. i heard he bought coke with my money; that aint right girl. smh coochie was too good to be honest lol
Kanye is a good guy? Huh WTF.. lol
sounds like ol dude just salty because he didnt get his 20%
Who gives a flying fuck!!!
I'm not saying it's false but it amazes me how quickly people believe gossip. You don't know if this man is just jealous or made, or bored. I personally don't know that Kayne would run around damn near crying on tour mentioning this women if she ever tried to steal from him and he knew about it. I also think that by now he would have mentioned that in a song. He mentioned everything else about her in songs. Dueces Remix, whatever song he mentioned her being naked in Jimmy Choos, and those pictures leaked online. So all i'm saying is think for yourself and run with gossip so quickly.
Lmfao true
She seems like a skank ne ways Wiz droop her ass.
Leave Amber alone damn yall lives are so devoid of attention that you hv to use her are a f***'n loser bc this if true shouldve been come out come on it only takes two seconds to release this info How long has it been FOH!! She wont give you money so ull try this huh F***'n Loser Pion...
Nahh its true "emails" to prove it" wiz next lol
Well thats they life and she will get hers in the end... Karma is a bitch
He did say something about her...listen to the Blame Game again...
Real people who work for a living could careless about this bullshit. S/n I would fuck the shit out of Amber Rose
Wolf in Sheep's clothing...
wow that dumb ass bitch need to get a life her ol bald head scally wag ass....fuckin cunt
Bitch aint steal from me so idgaf...she still bad as hell regaurdless
Ctfu everybody out for a buck smh
she aint shit
Lmao money is the motive and the issue!
Hahahaha!!!! That's what I said! I mean I'm sure he can be polite here and there but we all know Kanye is "bat outta hell" crazy... Lol. She's probably lucky he didn't pull it off, he probably wouldve did her like Chris did RiRi :-/. And 100k for a video? Dang... I shouldve become a video ho instead of a nurse :-(
Always one to try n bring sumone down seems to me u trying to get ur 20% by airing this now.but if would have gotten it then nothing would be said so Kanya need to watch you
She bout her money as she should be!
Whoaa lls !
I believe it, I've been with the Amber type & they think the world revolves around them, I'm sure she's with Wiz cause he keeps the blunts rolled & for those so quick to dismiss it cuz Kanye didn't put her on blast don't get that when ur raised like he was u don't value Vanity over ur morals
All niggers are rats.
Man bump kanye if she would've succeeded who cares he grimey anyway.
They got 99 problems but amber rose is one, hit
Lol what can you expect from someone who hops around? He worked for this money now this Bitch tried to steel it with her bum ass brother to go to Hawaii. #BROKE
Who the fuck cares.......NEXT
Who the fuck is Amber Rose anyway? What has she done in the past ten years(besides fuck rappers) she can't sing, rap, dance, shit the bitch can barely talk. So yeah I believe she was scheming on Yeezy, she might have robbed other niggaz too that we don't know about, drug dealers, regular ass working niggaz, ect. But being that they ain't stars you would never know... Don't be suprised, and don't be fooled... people have been feeding off others sucess since the begining of time.
My question is this, she's a beautiful white woman with a body, why isn't she married to a rich white man? Maybe because in the white community she's a fuckin JOKE, so no white man in his right mind would touch her.... dusty ass chick!
I agree
Until he show and prove with the emails we dnt know ish... all we know is dude proclaiming to know and have emails about what he says is true... but at the end of the day do we really care?? Like dnt get me wrong lol I do like good gossip but we gotta be smarter then a 5th grader before we just jump ship and believe ever thing we read and see on tv, I say show us the paper and prove yourself.... %20 off what for him to get tight?? Or was if off her $100.000???
Wiz u can holler at me:)))
I don't know y people think Amber Rose is cute that bitch is whack she's a hoe just like the rest of the hoes. From love and hip hop to house wives of Atlanta and the rest of the shows America is glorifying gold diggin woman. U bitches talkin bout they on there paper. No they on someone elses paper. They r all gold diggers and America is showing u can't have money and b a woman unless your legs are cocked open. Fuck all them hoes and basketball wives to. Let me take that back there's a handful of woman if u put all those shows together that had they own the rest are back layers and dick suckers. Wake up Women and wake up America.
Kanye's not a good person. Not after what he did to Taylor Swift.
LOL.. EXACTLY! But she's wrong nonetheless...
" she should be!" WTF??? she is actually scheming to take someone's else's hard earned money wanting to live off it and call it her own... AND THAT S OK??? S don't need to be after somebody else's $$$ in the forst place! Sounds like youre a thief too... call it what it is. SHE STEALS AND YOU SEEM TO THINK THAT DESERVES RESPECT AS A PROFESSION... that was so sad for you to say that...
Cant change a hood rat into wife
U get respect from me!
I'd be salty and put her on blast too!!!
How come nobody thought of the possibility of kanye payon the publicist off to discredit rose & her accussations?! Ijs..... Its possible!!
Thank u gossip is gossip especialy on these stupid links!! Move on she kept that 20k & bought them jimmy choos!!!
Ur stupid emails to prove it!! Hella dumb cuz the paragraph said emails!! Dumbass idiot anybody could of sent them emails including her publisist who prob had the access!!
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