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These are text messages i exchange with my 17 year old cousin bennett. he is a white boy that thinks he's a crip, works at amoco, has a ...
Pop superstar Rihanna was seen smoking on something that resembled a marijuana blunt while relaxing in Hawaii. The singer has never been...
Well i think it wasnt necessary to buy your kid a $615,000 toy!!!!!All that money couldve gone to families in NEED OF TOYS,CLOTHES,FOOD!!!!
I just want to see a picture of baby Blue...
Rite ridiculous
Yes so true and I also didnt agree with them shutting the floor down when she gave birth. People have babies everyday so too take thats special moment away from a new mom was so selfish too me.
while the sentiment would've been nice; it's neither beyonce OR jay-z's responsibility to take care of someone else's child. and if they want to buy their child a 600K+ toy...they can. it's their goddamn business
Me too
I Love Thiss ! That's So True That's Money Wasted ...
How abt that...i never even heard of them donating to charity...
So I just want to see the kid is she real??????
It's ridiculous!
They earned it they should be able to spend it on bs
This seems a little to overzealous to be real!!! Show me pics of Bey pushing then I'll believe it!!
They do. But it's still ridiculous.
Even though I dont believe in going extreme with spoiling a child. They can buy their child what they want, they worked for their money, and do as they please...
Word .....Jay z and b work hard for the money...shit it's they money ....get money or shut up
At the end of the day....they can buy there baby Whatever they want!!!! I know You would do the same if you had the money and if it was your first born.
Mataman I See Where You Coming From But FORREAL As Much Money They Got They Can Use The Shit However They Please To It's Not Yours So You Shouldn't Have A Say In How It's Used #Sorry .
Its there money they worked for & their child..if they wanna rip up $$$$ its there' bid stop hatting everybody & get a life of your own that's my opinion...
Love B n J. Congrats!!! It's by any means necessary when it comes down protecting my kiddo's, and if that means I need to shut the floor down...Count it done! I'm sure that they give away tons of money, and probably spoiled every mother that gave birth at that same facility. Don't be so quick to judge!
People aee sooo judgemental hope y'all know the 1 tru judge will forgive you for all of it but yal should stop on ur own let people be happy for they own!
Its their money they can spend it how ever they want.
Everybody get some business n who cares they r only freakn human
I'm happy for Jay and Bey. And what amount of money they spend on they baby is they business. It could have went to some needy ppl but its their money and spending how they want.
Who freakin cares!!! There are kids dying of starvation in Africa!! Reedamndiculous!!
Exactly u work hard to give your child whatever u want them to have yea it would ve nice to donate to charity but it ain't manadatory!!!! N doesn't make them bad ppl shit we all don't to charity when we pay taxes for welfare so STFU n let them enjoy their baby!!!! If it wobt right then the hospital wouldn't of slowed them to shut the floor down!!!
Who cares. She aint carrier the baby to get that feeling that a mother gets when pregnant.I cant see if she could not have kids but she can.She talking about she aint want to mess up her shape.Girl please.Its women out her with shapes badder then yours that got kids and still got they shape.
Smh understood they should be able to buy their child whatever they want but I'm glad I wasn't giving birth at the hospital that day although that baby means a lot to the world my children means the world to me that was pretty selfish if they wanted that much security they should've hired the drs to come to their estate it may have been cheaper hospitals aren't hotels or burger king you can't have it your way the complete joy of a new mother was tarnished because she had her baby not right every life is important no matter who they are or how much money they have thats whats wrong with the world today always putting someone on a popularity scale but congratulations to them but in raising their child don't forget to teach her to be humble and loving its enough rich spoiled brats in this world I'm happy for them waiting on pics to come through but from the looks of it that won't be any time soon .... Can't say this enough we are still an important part of this world no one is better than anyone although I'm happy for them that doesn't mean I agree with all they are doing do far maybe its the excitement of bring new parents but don't forget you don't live in this world alone its always personal until you make it public
You think it's ridiculous because that level of $$ you can't relate to. 615,000 toys exist for people like them who can afford it. As someone previously mentioned, they do give to, what more can you ask for. They work hard, get paid for it, and they can and should spend their $$ on whatever they want to.
actually everything they got at the baby shower was donated to charity and fundraisers, people are so quick to try to point out negativity they fail to look at the positive. ITS THERE CHILD what they spend on it is ther bizness GROW UP
Whatev. I'm happy they have a healthy baby but I've got my own three blessings to coo over. And I'm sorry, but its insane to spend that much on nonsense. It sickens me when there are people who can literally obilerate world hunger but they instead spend the money on a bunch of bs. I'm not saying go broke, but do something that is REALLY important and news worthy.
Hey "B" Hey Jay yall got Haterz#keep up the good work...Hi Haterrzz!
I bet that's one ugly ass baby oh well fuck em they can do whatever they want with there money the fans gave to them may they burn in hell...kms
` Yeah its the buisness but the too F*@kinq happy the act like they never babysitted a damn child. ithink they wasted their money THE Baby girl cant even sit by herself let alone crawl i could understand if she was a few months old but sheesh && i don't think it was really right to close the WHOLE wing yeaa security reasons but a least close a section . i would have sewed her ifmy water broke . imjusssayinq !
Who cares people have babys everyday.she aint made of gold. And its the devils baby....
If you did your research you'd discover what the media doesn't share with everyone that both jayz, beyonce and a lot of well know celebrities are great philanthropists. And they don't need to answer to you or anyone else what and why they purchase an expensive toy for their child. Imagine if someone were judging you for the same but on a smaller scale. There are a lot of poor people in this world and we don't all give to charities. The fact that we're on commenting on a computer shows we're all more well off than a lot of folks. Moral of the story, OGCJ.
I am just hppy for them. I'm sure they'll make wonderful parents and have a beautiful babygirl!
I agree it's their business...and just because isn't on every tv show bragging about every charity he gives to...doesn't mean he doesn't do it...if fact I'm witness to jay-z always giving back...we are from the same area...Jayz built wells and water system so people on Africa can have fresh water...but no one talks about one really knows what that man does...because he does from the heart...not for the rest on these celebrite s
they didn't give no money to any of the parent's at that hospital...that's why their are lawsuits pending. and I would never spend over 600,000 on a toy even if I had all the money in the world, and don't believe that is his first born because it is not true.. I don't hear anyone talking about the other baby mama and what he is doing for that child
I agree they should have paid tje doctors to come to their house..&& ppl soo brain washed they dont see nut10 wrong/w that...
I wonder would u still feel that way if u were one of the father's that was put off the floor and couldn't see their baby
Jayonce` or Bey-z lol....that's whut they shoulda named the baby.
Exactly!...CONGRATZ Jay Z & Beyonce
There are more important things in life than worrying about celebrities. THEY ARE PEOPLE JUST LIKE US, THEY JUST HAVE MORE MONEY AND PROBLEMS.
Also, there are starving kids in everyone's neighborhood, you don't have to go to AFRICA!
I wanna see the baby too...
It comes down to an ethical issue. Its wonderful that they earn their money but what about kids going to bed starving with no roof over their heads. Its not just in the US its all around the world. Did people become so cold that they comfort themselves by saying "oh well its not my child! " its not just welfare recipients in America what about the people who can't help their surroundings? In my opinion spending over a half a million dollars for a TOY for a baby who will only play with the box and spit up all over is really ridiculous and greedy.
Please If they did anything the MEDIA claims...Jayz only did what the hospital allowed blamed the the end of the day GREED was the issue
Yea and then people would of had something negative to say about that...everyone so quick to judge and then put both hands out...because they see dollar one walking this earth has a right to judge...let them people be...sick of all this already!
idiot that told beyonce to have a home delivery, for 1 its not a sterile environment, im sure she had an epidural and that can't be given outside of a hospital setting, no recommended. And so they earned their money, they have no obligations to be frugal and give money to people that have no business have kids that day. And another people are so hype to believe the media about the hospital stay. It's the hospital responsible to have control. If they choose to relax on those things they should be hammered on not Beyonce. It just's stupid that so many people will sit there and talk about something you'll never know 100% about. They have no obligation to donate more money than they already do.
All of you talking about charity need to shut the fuck up. I'd spend a billion dollars on my child, because it's MINE. Fuck would I want to give free hand outs to someone who doesn't deserve it? Fuck if people are needy. It's THEIR CHILD. If they wanna spoil it rotten, they have the money to do so. If they have the money to shut down a fucking hospital, they can do it. Money talks, bullshit walks. Shut the fuck up and get a life. Why don't you donate to charity? Oh. That's right. You're poor ass hypocrites who think people with money are entitled to help what's considered less fortunate. But -- keep in mind, they busted their ass for what they have. People these days; make me sick.
Jayz gives all over the world...Africa was just an example...he gives his old neighborhood all the time...I'm witness that...and he does it Himself!...long story short...nobody really knows this man's generosity...he's very giving...
Happy for them but please believe that lil blue isn't HIS FIRST CHILD!
Record Jay Z doesn't have another child, the woman he was dating shortly before he started dating Beyonce, got pregnant, but had a miscarriage. And he's been with Beyonce thus forward. This is his first child.
He's a piece of shit that's her first born not his he got a son that he don't even eknowlege he just pass off money but I don't really care about what they do wit they money shit they ain't giving me none it that was very selfish of them shutting the whole floor dwn Nd others couldn't see their kids
For those sayin they work hard for their $$$ hahahah making an appearance at a party is not hard work. Holding down a 8-5 job is working hard for Ur money. With all that money they have they need to stop telling us to donate n do it themselves there's so much poverty and they don't give a f&$* they need to come up outta pocket n stop tryna dig in ours this is why 2PAC will forever remain the realist mutha F! Becuase none of these new wack Ass artists cared like he did
end of the day it's the hospital responsible to give fair welfare to their patients. Patients can sue the hospital, but they can't sue JayZ and Beyonce. Speaking from a law point of view that's all they can do, and they may not get a big settlement.
And let's see who the highest bidder will be for the first pic....ijs
Curious who she looks like??? I hope not him
Yea, they did EARN the money but if it weren't for people like US, they wouldn't be able to blow all that money on nonsense. So I feel that they have a responsibility to give back because their money was basically donated to them from their fans. GIVE BACK TO THE PEOPLE WHO GOT YOU WHERE YOU ARE. That baby is not made of gold and I wish ppl would stop acting like she is.
People have babies everyday, her ass bleed & shit like everybody else...its not that damn serious. She a baby born to wealthy parents that's all...she's gonna have issuse just like other stars kids do...omg get over this baby already!!!
Yall are some damn haters! Stfu already! Did YOU DONATE TO CHARITY? Whoever is a mom and has given birth knows the feeling. Especially with your first baby. Congrats again to Bey and Jay!
People are so quick to say did they spend it on the homeless but they see a homeless standing on the corner holding a sign and don't donate so how can you fix your mouth about some one else donating#the
To the stupid ass that made the comment about people not having any buisness having kids that day, they should of had their baby at home if they wanted it to b private,shuting down a whole floor to a hospital is just ridiculous. Who are they? Just because they got money dont mean shit.people go crazy over these celebritys and they continue to buy their cds and make them rich, but at the end of the day these celebritys dont give a fuck about you...and i would definitly slap a law suit on that hospital..... Just my opinion..
Yeah true they can spend it how ever they want to, but it's kids out here who don't have SHIT. So gone with that oh they can spend it however they bullshit 4real.. Ya'll full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I had the money there would be no limit to what I would give my baby. And Beyonce always gives back. She always does things for the poor.
Smhso because people are concerned about the other babies that was born that day is wrong because beyonce had the money to shut the floor down smh that's whats up kudos to them I'm a fan and I am happy for them but right is right and wrong is wrong she wasn't the only celeb to deliver in a hospital I understand the risks of the situation as well but they couldve done it with care got the other families too every mother has some form of fear when having a newborn baby me personally they never leave my room I give their baths and feedings in my room the only time they enter the nursery is during the required exams so there was a better way to handle it thats not hating or anything like that its called being courteous to everyone around you but they have money so they didn't have to do that and if I sued it wouldnt have been them I would've sued the hospital they are responsible for our care not jay and beyonce I don't really care about the toy thing personally I think its dumb cuz the baby doesn't even know it's there I feel the same way about those $600 strollers everyday people buy that only my it ain't trickin if you got it .....whatever congrats to them blessings to the baby but having an opinion doesn't mean you have no life I believe everyone should give to less fortunate people I do it even when I don't have it to give be humble in all that you do not for gloating purposes but to really help...and I don't think that of jayz only child I couldve sworn he announced a little girl at an awards sore in early 2k maybe I'm crazy but I couldve sworn he has a little around the same age as my oldest (shrugs) oh well who knows honestly I don't care I just wasn't to see the baby
I love your comment well said, and very true..
Sick of ppl sayin.. Beyonce wasnt pregnant, Jay Z has other children, they spent all this money on their baby...Please,please, please stfu!!!! Just because someone makes accusations doesnt mean its true.. If she say she was pregnant, she was pregnant until you can PROVE other wise(and proof is not.."well she didnt look pregnant".. My sister 8 months pregnant and look 3). If Jay saying that's not his child(ren)...its not his child(ren). Put yourself in his shoes, What would happen if somebody put a child on you? Or was running around saying they had a child by your husband? If any one reading this is an adult,your ass should know better than to repeat gossip about a stranger as if its the truth. Beyonce EARNED $70 million in 2010. If she wanted to spend 30 million of it on her baby's toy who is anyone to judge how she spend her cash?!? A mf would get cursed out if they even thought about telling me how to spend the $50,000 I made last If you wanna count some one elses money, get a job at a bank.
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