Wednesday, November 17, 2010

GQ Russia Rihanna + goes in on Hating *** Blogs

Rihanna had an epiphany, and just now figured out that everyone who writes on and/or reads blogs hate EVERYTHING about themselves:
I read the blogs sometimes, it depends on what it is I am trying to find out. I’m a lot more numb to it now only because I understand what it is.
It’s a community for people who don’t have anything else to do and hate themselves, they hate their life, they hate their job, they hate their appearance, they are uncomfortable with who they are so what makes them feel good is talking smack about other people who they think they will never ever see in their life and they happen to be celebrities.
It seems impossible to ever have the opportunity to say these things to their face, so they get to hide behind their computer.

Well i don't get in to all the BS, but she damn sure looks beauty on this picture


Anonymous said...

I agree with her...

Unknown said...

she speakin the truth fa real.. thas all bloggerz are.. ppl thas not satisfied with there life

Rikki said...

Thats BS. not all bloggers are doin that. she obviously jus readin the wrong blogs.

Cheryl Monique said...

Rihanna only speaks truth about herself, not about millions of bloggers who talk about everything from parenting to politics. There is no way every person who decides to write or share information has self-esteem issues.

Rihanna has plenty of self-esteem issues. It shows in the decisions she makes and in her music. She believes that people hate her, so she hates back, because that's how she feels of HERSELF. Don't get it twisted... beauty and money can never substitute true love of oneself. She is talking about herself, not bloggers. The things you speak on others is usually true of yourself.

I happen to blog, myself. But I talk about all things that can help enlighten, encourage, and entertain others. I have no hate for myself or the people or things I talk about. I also don't have to put up naked pictures of myself to prove that, neither do I find myself in the same romantic dilemmas as she. I am happy with myself, and love every flaw I own. Question is... is SHE?

She is a beautiful woman. She is a talented artist... Maybe even with all that, it's easy for people to see through to her insecurities... and she doesn't like it. So she spues hate right back at them. Just a thought. Seems she on the defensive, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...


BabyGirl429 said...

@ the Golden child. I think you might be the one coming off defensive. I'm not really a big Rihanna fan so don't take this as me coming to her defense for no reason. But it seems if you are not one of those bloggers thats always talkin about her. There's no real need for you to go off on that tangent, you clearly just went off. She's not talking about all blogs, she's talkin about the ones that target her, that always have something about her posted. Especially in a negative light. If your blog doesn't fit that bill you need not worry about her statement. As for your assessment of how she feels and where her words are really directed. .I think you might wanna leave that alone. Because if your assessment is accurate then your words towards Rihanna could be seen as how you feel about yourself. Maybe your the one with the insecurity issues so you lash out at anything that might hit a nerve.. Just some food for thought.

Torri said...

Golden Child could not have said it better. Ms. Rihanna still have some growing and sole searching to do.

Cheryl Monique said...

You have somewhat of a point, however it's not totally thought-out and here's why:

I am not in anyway coming at Rihanna. I am simply replying to another's bloggers post. And as intellectually as you put together your thought, you too have proven your own point in "getting at me."

I am so sorry for offending you with my opinion. However, it does still stand. I believe that Rihanna has those issues with self, because of all that we know about her and her decisions, not just because of how she responded to her critics. We can see these things for ourselves and come to these conclusions.

I am not a celebrity, you know nothing about me. You have no idea anything about my life, so your assessment of me is incorrect. I do think it was clever, however.

I said nothing about Rihanna that would determine anything of myself. I stated the facts about her life, based on what she gives the public. My assessment is made based on what I know of her. What do you know of me?

Thanks for responding, I always love a good exchange.

Unknown said...

the truth hurts sometimes

Anonymous said...


Monluwi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monluwi said...

Actually, the comment, if it is hers, does not specify what type of blog she is talking about. She lumps them all in. Some don't care for her or her ways, some don't care and think she's cool. Just because you are on one side or the other does not mean that you hate yourself. That's a comment from someone that may be delusional.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone is doin that, but on a side note....her nipples are hard as shit........

Anonymous said...

I don't care about her or a lot of other celebs... they're just ppl who happen to have an ass load of money because of their talents. I know a lot of people who are so much more talented than she or a lot of other celebs will ever be singing or doing whatever. I'm just sick of her, her story, her talking about what happened with Chris Brown, Chris Brown... NEXT!!!! Hey maybe yall bloggers that she's talking about can actually talk about her talent and not her personal life or how slutty you think she is....... its called a personal life for a reason. Isn't her "talent" the reason she got any face time at all period? Stick to the script.

Laureth said...

She's insecure- it's obvious because she chose to be with a man who abused her. it is easy to hide behind a computer- but it's nothing she doesn't already know about herself!

itzm3b!tch3z said...


Anonymous said...

@The Golden Child : Just As You Stated 'Baby Girl ' Knew Nothing About You , This Is Also True For Rihanna . You Know Nothing About Her . All You Know Is What The Media Puts Out , Which Is Where Majority Of Your Information Of Rihanna Comes From . So How Dare You Assume Something About Rihanna When You Don't Personally Know Her , And Then Get 'Defensive ' When Someone Flips The Script ? That Somewhat Threw Me Off Track - Just Saying .

Besides , EVERYONE , Including You , Has At Least One Thing About Themselves That They Would Like To Change , But That Doesn't Mean They Lack Self-Love .

Oh Yeah ! A Hit Dog Will Holler ... You Clearly Felt Offended By What Rihanna Said .

KdKeesh said...

a lot of times it may not even be the blog itself that "hates" on her, but the comments left by people who view the blogs.

i don't know her, nor will i pretend to know a thing about her, but most of the time i see her in a blog somewhere it's about how she looks. i could've swore that she initially became famous for musical "talent" rather than her stylist's fashion sense.

people form opinions based on what patterns they tend to see. after "good girl gone bad" she's been on some OTHER stuff. not just with the vanishing of clothes either. she seems to be trying to find some kinda of direction. mo power to her i guess.

idk...but if what she said makes her sleep better at night, then i ain't mad at it. but if i say i don't think you can sing, doesn't mean i hate that i can't sing. it just means i don't think you can sing. if you sit and try to figure out what's behind a comment, then you're wasting a bit too much energy.

Zack P. said...

what parasitic creatures are we, we feed off the lives of these people. we create a demand for information and pictures of these people that is so great that the media goes to aggressive and invasive measures in order to obtain what we crave. we push and push for more and more like gluttons. it is we who are at fault, we are to blame for it. and when the pressure builds to such an extent that they begin to crack we go into a frenzy, like the crowd of the Colosseum at the first sight of blood from a gladiator. We as a society pushed Britney Spears to go crazy, to breakdown, and we fed off her suffering like driving by a car accident hoping to see a dead body. And when they do snap we blame them, we criticize them " oh look how horrible they are" "such a slut" and so on. So the next time you got something negative to say about a person you don't know, take a moment to look at yourself for the parasitic leach that you are.

Anonymous said...

@theGoldChild I totally agree with u. If Rihanna didn't care what bloggers said about her anymore, then why on earth is she putting all bloggers out as "haters?" Honestly, I was a Rihanna fan when she first came out, but slowly she has been put in the category of "Celebrity whores," next to Kim Kardashian, her sisters, Playboy bunnies, Kat Stacks, ect. I hate the fact that she keeps revealing her body, && how she keeps using the abusive boyfriend as her "bread winner" in this industry. Rihanna Chris has obviously moved on w/out you, && you have a new man! Grow the fuck up! Excuse my french, but not everybody is gonna like you, hello Welcome to America! This isn't an island where everything is all golden, just let people say what they will, you need to love yourself && find Jesus, because he will love you, even if you don't love yourself. I hope she deals w/herself internally, && maybe we will see a new, mature Rihanna. ;) This is Arielle-Elise btw! *couldn't remember my user name! Lol

Anonymous said...

Yo Chrystal H is saying the absolute only person that is correct on this page is ZACK the rest of u r really true to life haters. If not on rih rih then on others. Re-read ur statements n ask urselves wow did I sound like that. Then get up away from the computer u sit at all ur life n get a real job. Then just maybe u can be rich enough for someone to care about ur issues. Lhayf...laughing hard at you fools. Thanks Zack that was perfectly written.

Cheryl Monique said...

Those of you who are here, and calling the rest of us "haters," and "parasitic" in nature, are as hypocritical as the preacher man who condemns souls to hell while he rapes little boys in secret.

Ya'll are silly. I simply stated that BASED ON WHAT WE CAN SEE (and this is in her interviews as well as her concerts, not just the gossip columns and media footage)... it can be totally assumed that Rihanna has some issues of her own that she is dealing with, otherwise she would not have come the way she did in response to her critics. I am not offended by her comment, I am reacting to bring clarity on behalf of bloggers, music fans, AND people in general.

But I see where the hearts and minds are of the people who follow her and the industry mindset. Noone has the balls to just stay in the middle and observe on a human level. Either you are better than the rest of us who communicate our thoughts, or you are as ignorant as the person who believed that ALL BLOGGERS are lower-level beings who have no life significance. I should have realized what I was getting myself into before I responded to this blog.

To be honest, I think ANY person who is idolized, or who wants to be, will be vulnerable to all these types of problems. And they need to be mentally and spiritually prepared, otherwise, they should just stay a regular person like the rest of us and keep out of the spotlight.

She might be rich and popular, but if she were getting her monies worth, nothing that any person said about her would bother her. No media television programming has to tell me that. If she were happy with life and herself, there would be no reason to respond with so much hate. But she did. And we are now talking about it. But can we do so respectfully and with a little intellect??

I can care less what the ignorant minds communicate here. If you can read, try to understand the message before you respond with an attack reaction. Because one thing Rihanna did have right is that all of us are behind our computers, and those of you who attack those with opposing opinions just show your cowardice, as you would never say it to any of our faces.

darksavior said...

your full of your self but hot as hell,ps nice pic did i say your hot ?

shannon said...

HA!!! lmmfao she has her damn nerve. maybe people are just tired of your played out ass? maybe they have no respect for you because you have none for yourself. look at your picture, thats not sexy, thats just cheap and trashy. your choices, your lack of character, it all shines through you, maybe people are tired of a priviledged little bitch, who wears fuck you necklaces around children fans and lets men beat the shit out of her and takes him back because she has no RESPECT FOR HERSELF..... in 20 years rihanna, you will be another nothing, you will realize fame, money, and beauty doesnt mean shit, and hopefully you will gain some self respect by then instead of being a shitty role model for our youth.

Christine said...

I run a blog myself. I never speak negative things about anyone in the industry, always positive and promoting the people,music and anything that inspires me. She's got it twisted, cause I sure don't hate myself, nor do i lack self-esteem, and I have a life, working a full-time and side jobs reaching reach my goals. (in the very near future).

thank you.


Anonymous said...

thats an old ass pic id. ink.

Zack P. said...

golden child your the hypocrite talkin about attackin people and cowardice your the one hiding not only behind the computer but a screen name. In my statement I had taken responsibility for my part, I said we are at fault that we are to blame. So next time you wish to quote someone maybe you can understand what it is they said. Your on here pointing your fingers at everyone else but yourself. Your blinded by your own superiority complex to see that you are exactly like the ones you criticize

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