Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nicki Minaj YRB Feature



Lyrically Sweet said...

I like Nicki, photshoot is hot...I just hope they don't change her too much...her quirky swag is entertaining!

Y3llagrl said...

Very well said Lyrically Sweet....I hope they don't change her eitha!!

Anonymous said...

Omg she looks normal Lmao.No FOR SHE LOOKS GREAT FOR NOW.

Anonymous said...

i like the fact that 4 once she looks like a normal person instead of sum weird human/barbie/plastic thing. She's very elegant wen she's not over the top dun up

Anonymous said...

i luv tha fact that she cant look different ways so u wont get bored with one look. like dang she to plain or dang she to barbie. versitility..yea thas wat i was lookn 4

Quincy Harris Live Fox 29 7:00am - 10:am

Quincy Harris Live Fox 29 7:00am - 10:am