Sunday, December 26, 2010
Jay-Z shops in Hermes on xmas-Only the best for Beyonce
Beyonce got some sweet gifts yesterday. Her husband, Jay-Z, was spotted shopping at Hermes' plush Madison Avenue boutique on Christmas Eve. A spy reports, "Jay was in a private room of Hermes doing last-minute shopping. He had a guard standing watch outside. He spent $350,000 on Birkin bags, among other things." The buying binge took so long, Jay-Z missed his scheduled lunch at Nello, prompting the restaurateur to deliver his food to the store. Jay-Z has plenty to spend -- he's getting $1 million to perform at the opening of the Cosmopolitan hotel and casino in Vegas on New Year's Eve. His rep declined to comment.
Thus is just the life and we can small view of events because there celebs
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These are text messages i exchange with my 17 year old cousin bennett. he is a white boy that thinks he's a crip, works at amoco, has a ...
Pop superstar Rihanna was seen smoking on something that resembled a marijuana blunt while relaxing in Hawaii. The singer has never been...
I <3 <3 <3.. Beyonce an Jay-Z!!
People all over the world starve and go without and these jackasses spend money like it is water..oh yeah and by the way whoever wrote this is They're celebrities not THERE.
Well, I think if you work hard for your money you can spend it however you please. I don't understand why people think celebrities should be OBLIGATED to take care of the less fortunate. Jay wasn't "born" into money. A lot of celebrities give back and donate money to organizations. This world is full of opportunities so please know that you can make millions and give to whomever you like.
Life is funny....people talk a lot of ish bout this and bout that I think Jay-z gives back to the poor.... But beyonce is his WIFE why wouldn't he go all out for her.... Hell I wish a man would care enought to buy me something..... But love me in the same token money aint everything unless u have a wonderful person to share it with cause man what if u lose it....u gone need a somebody to help u stay a float...#imjustsayin
Yes ppl all over the world are starving and that is terrible!! But I'm pretty sure J and B both does the share and more around the world with giving back and helping charities... So one cannot be upset with the way one spends their money, they earned so they can spend, shop and ball out the way they want too!! Let's just make sure we do our share of helping out the less fortunate and STOP worrying about what Jay and Beyonce r doing with their cash!!!!!!
Very Proud Anonymous said....Anonymous comment one two and and three thumbs up I agree 100% u guys rock......Love B and J and stop just saying....
i think ppl should stop hating on celebs for enjoying there money..........we as a ppl made them larger than life....if we didnt have the need to be entertained 24-7...they wouldnt make so much.....i have a idea...we should have a need to be educated.....lets teach our kids to save up for college instead of concert tickets....lets buy books instead of cds....i come across kids under 5 who cant count but they know the lyrics to Jayz 99 problems...there is so much we can do about this besides sitting in front of a computer complaining.....
if you don't like how how someone else is spending their money, then get off your butt...make some of your own, and then go out and be the change you wanna see in the bout that?
I think people should stop worrying about others and worry about their self that's his wife y not spend money he worked 4 to buy her whatever she want I'm pretty sure if u had it u would do the same thing smh @ the haters
We get upset ay the money he spends but we generated the money for both of them to have people starve, people are homeless, people are at a misfortune daily and we still choose to focus on entertainment, media, racial profiling, prejudice,, etc... but still never focus on the truth we r the people and what we do and say count, so if u feel
That music clothes fashion media r most important than your life will reflect exactly that nothing
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