Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jazmine Sullivan Taking a breaking/Calling it quits

“I promised myself when it wasn’t fun anymore i wouldn’t do it. and here i am. i love u all and appreciate u soooooo much. u have no idea how much u’ve inspired me and fed my ego but the truth is that i have to believe in me whether you all do or not. and thats what i’m lookin for. that belief in myself. me. I. i love us. thanks for being here for me and riding with me on this journey. let us continue.”

She will change her mind.


Anonymous said...

i support you

Anonymous said...

she cant go! i hope she changes her mind soon :(

Anonymous said...

Amen when there's no one else then you have yourself and if you cant believe in yourself than its not right

Anonymous said...

It's really important to know your limits. Hopefully as she takes this break it will make her better, stronger, and more confident in herself. I'll definitely miss her though.

Anonymous said...

Omg I soooo hope tht she changes her mind on this 1 cuz I love her music soo much . ! Smh

ty said...

I love u Jazmine I am and will aways and forever be a true fan of urs. I love ur voice and will contiune to listen to ur cds I love anf I will miss u until u return <3 :(

Anonymous said...

Good job industry is not where you wanna be in these times find the lord before your soul is no more...Good Luck

Anonymous said...

it's okay to follow ur heart in what yu wanna do, i support yu the whole way because yu are a very talented person nd will succeed in whatever it is yu choose to do next

Anonymous said...

its cool ma u can always go into gospel like kelly price an michelle from destiny child i know the gospel ppl play music from anytime over an over an u can make so much in it an u will have fans forever or do a jennifer hudson an go into movies y do something u dont wanna do when u know in ur heart u cheating ur fans i trust ya girl!

Anonymous said...

UGGGGGH WHHHY???!! This is why we cant keep good music going. I hope (Jazmine) that its really for you and its not management messing with your head. You are beautiful inside and out and you add that beauty into music. I at least wanted to get to one of your concerts before something like this happened. Come back to us soon!

Badd said...

At her concert in atlanta with mary j a few months ago, she said she was in love....this ain't bout nothing but a man lol.

Anonymous said...

The bad thing about you leaving is that were left with clowns like Ciara and Keri Hilson singing about straight sex always botty poppin and winding there hips in every video. Not to many singers get shyne or the spotlight without being overly sexual or having some sluttish reputation. Jazmine your one the few that got a lot of shine and had brought it back to the old days real songs without sex! and you showed everybody you dont have to have a perfect figure or dress overly sexy and act sluttish to be someone great! I understand your reasons and hope u return i love your music!

RONNIE said...

If she is doin what is in her hart???? She cant go wrong...just belive in yoself and rember you mande it okay for woman who know they are NOT CRARY!!! Just a lil mis-understud when you broke the windows out his car!!! Lol..... Luv you Jaz....

Anonymous said...

Definitely see her doing better in the Gospel arena. She prolly aint want to sell her soul like other artists. I will buy the gospel album when you return.

Anonymous said...


Marisa Angel said...

jaz your a very talented artist yes your very underrated. The differences with u and rest is you got soul and nomatter what i also be a fan! trust me when i say the music industry needs u. with all the crappy music that artist are makin today who knows where our generation is goin!
Keep ya head up i ain't got nothing but love for yuh!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand ! How could you not believe in yourself Mah ?!? You are amazing !! You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard ! You are here on this Earth to give people like me inspiration ! You don't know how much you mean to your listeners. You have to believe in yourself .

Anonymous said...

Nooooooooooooo :c (crying) It's been so long since I went out and bought a cd cause everyone is on some bull shiggty. your the best young artist out here, and u actully have something to say. love u J but u gotta do whats right for u (tears and lots of weeping) :c

Anonymous said...

Please dont go ur one of the best in the business. Plus people dont sing anymore and u do so please for the people who love to hear a breath of fresh air or should I say real talent dont go

Anonymous said...

Jazz, u are in my prayers.....ppl never know what someone maybe going thru.I just pray that you return to your heart to GOD, i really believe you were really happy when you sung in church...So I'll just say this just except what GOD ALLOWS EVEN WHEN YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT KNOW THAT IT'S WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD. Remember to TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART AND LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING IN YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATH. So be mindful that it's not about what you think and feel it's about God says......Luv ya

Anonymous said...

WHUR announced that this girl ain't going anywhere. Something about she posted a message saying that she changed her mind. Next time, be sure Jazzmine before you go getting people all upset.

Unknown said...

Looks like she turned down the Illuminati. Good for her.

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