Game spoke on homosexuality in hip hop during a radio interview with Atlanta's Hot 107.9 station. The rap said that he has no issue with the gay community in general, but that he does have a problem with closeted gays.
"I think there are several rappers that are in the closet and gay, and see those are the type of gay people that -- the only type of gay people that I have a problem with," explained Game. "I don't have a problem with gay people. Like, Beyonce should've said, 'Who run the world? Gays,' because they're everywhere and rightfully so. Do you. It's a free country. Be gay, you can do that."
"Game don't have a problem with gay people," said the rapper, before adding, "Game has a problem with people that are pretending not to be gay and are gay because the number one issue with that is that you could be fooling somebody and you could give them AIDS and they can die and so that in the closet sh*t is real scary. So, we've got to get into the real seriousness of it and it's just not fair to other people -- If you gay, just say you gay. Be gay and be proud."
Game a real ass nigga
So... transmitting AIDS doesn't happen with people that are NOT in the closet??? Really?
That nigga gay
I AGREE with GAME!!!!! I feel the exact same way..DONT HIDE and DONT PLAY...AIDS is real and it can take your LIFE away!!! Bravo Game!!!! I love it <3
He is not gay!
I am a proud gay, lying to other about being gay is like lying to yourself!
He is gay. Them pink lips! And he ugly! Str8 people git aids too. Idiot!
Game is right.. what he is saying is that you never know if you say your gay and your out there people know who not to have sex with because of aids but if people dont know you could get aids and NEVER know what hit ya i think people should come out the closet I.E. Birdman and Lil Wayne.....i am still a huge fan of wayne but i mean what him and birdman used to still might do is GAY AF lol
Game I love you positive energy and you views on the Aid situation, all around us are peoples with Aids or Herpes or Cancer all we have to rally to being Safe and knowing what to ask and how to better inform your partner and the community what to look out for and to better protect ourselves!!!
Aaron Dykes hosts a segment on Bisphenol A, the dangerous estrogenic in plastic drinking bottles and food containers. BPA is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States, even though the FDA raised concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children to the substance
Whomever has it shouldn't play but if u don't have it that doesn't give u the right to do watever truth of the matter people die from more stds from niggas than anything from sleeping with these dirty dick nasty ass niggas/ rappers!
who gives a shit
who cares whos gay and who not and y should it matter if ur scared then leave earth go to da fuckin moon den cuz they don't scare me and they r fun to shop wit and get hair tips so back off
AIDS does happen to people who are NOT in the cloest actually. If people are going around lying about and being careless then in the closet gay shit is a serious problem. Stop lying to yourself be who you are, screw who doesn't accept you, and be safe.
Ok so all gay people have aids and if they're in the closet they're lying?!! Wth or are u sayin all gay people in the closet have aids! Either way the "Game" sounds ignorant ...
well said game it takes a real man to say you don't have a problem with gay people it be the one's who say they hate gays that be the one's on the downlow
He never said that straight people didn't. His topic was about being gay and lying about it. Idiot.
that nigga trying to sound smart i agree if you gay be gay... but what he saying is if you gay and you stunt that you automatically give the person you stunt with AIDS.. NIGGA PLEASE STRAP UP GAY STRAY BI WHATEVA.... PROTECT YOUR BODY LIKE EVERYBODY'S GOT IT...
Thank you for that, Game. You give hope that there are still good-minded ppl out there who are not biased/prejudiced
Ok he really is not making a good point to people who have intelligence...this shit is ignorant and it makes no sense and if his topic was gays in the closet then why is he talkin about aids????! Wtf!
He keepin it real...if you gay, be gay...i know plenty of gay people...i got a few gay friends male & female...my biggest issue however is if your preference is the same sex, thats fine...but you are who you are...if your a MAN, be a MAN...if your a WOMAN, be a WOMAN...that is all!
Ok so all gay people have aids and if they're in the closet they're lying?!! Wth or are u sayin all gay people in the closet have aids! Either way the "Game" sounds ignorant ...
Some of you are not hearing what Game is saying.Ahem and umm Anonymous are you one of them that is lying to yourself and is still hiding in the closet.
Sounds like he's in the closet
He's talking about AIDS because Homosexuals are more easy to contract the disease. Hence, there is a problem with homosexuals in the closet.
Reading these posts has literally dropped my IQ by 30 points. Thanks. And Game is a clown.
I'm not a fan of the Game's music, but as a person, he is making a good point. To everyone who says that he is ignorant, believing that he is saying "all closeted gays are spreading
A.I.D.S and HIV", please go back and reread his comments.
He did not say that at all, what he said..if you don't understand...what he is saying is...
If you are a closeted gay man, who is married to a woman or dating and sleeping with women and you are not letting them know you sleep with me as well..that is a major risk!!! Yes, we need to protect ourselves regardless, but in the real world, alot of people still aren't, so when you sleep with people, both men and women, with out contraception, it is a fallacy and it is dangerous...because of course that is the PROMINENT way of spreading STI's and sexually transmitted diseases!!! If you don't understand that...please buy yourself a ticket to the sun...sheesh!!!
He is very correct and what he is saying...no matter if he has his own issues with his sexuality, but is speaking the truth and im glad he isn't just a rapper living in the "lifestyles" of celebrities and not thinking that because you are famous or a celebrity, the laws of the universe doesn't apply to them.
So stop with the blind hate for this guy, because you decided to dislike a person who have never met or will never personally know...stop it and try to understand what he is saying. Oh and to Anon 4:09pm, you do know that CANCER IS NOT A SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE, RIGHT? MY GOD!!!
this is the world we live in...the country we live in...look at the stupid people who surround us and then let me know why we are in such an effed up world!!!
Can't wait for him to come out saying he's gay :)
This is actually pretty offensive. As if heterosexual people cannot contract and spread HIV/AIDS and other STDs and STIs. Shut the fuck up, Game...
Whoever says that a homosexual is more likely to contract a disease probably has a disease. Being homo sexual does not make you in the immune to anything... Nor does it make you any more susceptible to anything. Being gay is a choice and not a disease that you are born with. Telling someone that you are gay and that you have a disease 02 totally different things... I can be as gay as I want and still be healthier than everybody making a comment right now.... Weather I tell you I am gay or not.... Thought you might wanna check the person who has had the syphilis you don't know about before you worry about the gay who was trying to be gay for himself and not the world.
this shit is gay yo
I'm noticing a lot of people are sayin that Straight people get aids too.... No shit really?!?! He never said we don't get aids because were straight he said that it does spread around a lot because mad dudes are on the low who catch aids and then give it to there partner who is a woman. Well thats the extended explanation of it basically.
Dude is just trying to hard and hollywood has him confused. check out http://tinyurl.com/3kvy4bd for more info.
The bottom line is. Game was trying to make a good point. But my issue is, being a public figure or anyone who can be an influence to anyone else or anything. You must becareful with what you say and when saying it be sure to word it correctly. Because what he said is what he said. (Fee) your comment was very intellectual but you are speaking based on what YOU think he is trying to say, rather than exactly what he said. What he should have said, in the event that he would offend anyone. "We all need to be RESPONSIBLE pertaining to anything we do in life". It is important to inform a partner of your sexuality, even if you are careful, clean and safe. Society is biased toward gays period. That's the reason for closeted gays. Although that does no justify closeted gays or exempt them from being responsible, it is understandable why they would fear being straight forward. But honestly its not even fear, being closeted or DL is survival. Simply because obviously gays are very much discriminated against. That's why gay people stick together the way they do and so sensitive toward any discussion on gays or gay rights. Really, because the only equality gay people have is amongst each other and with God (for those who believe).
I agree with the message he said, just not the reasoning. He made it seem like only gay people get AIDS. AIDS is not a gay disease, its mainly an irresponsible people's disease.
Somebody gonna B mad when I say this: I just read the interview and all I could think of is "I pitty the fool!" whoever made these comments is a "Fool!" It should B a law against them having an opinion on anythink remotely of intellect! For those of U reading this garbage I caution U to read for Urself the topic and realize that when someone tells U who they are believe them! Game I M sorry U R having difficulty accepting who U R and transferring this energy negatively!
First of all HIV/AIDS was created in a lab designed for the purpose of targeting ppl for the purpose of warfare. However, anthing in the wrong hands is deadly just like words. Ppl who live an alternative lifstyle became the target in america after ppl in remote parts of Africa were first injected, ultimately becoming infected. Anyone can and many ppl do contract the illness. How, "Listening to hiphop/rap while smoking weed poping pills and having unprotected sex with rappers after the show who pretend to B straight!" Now by me quoting the last paragraph I M only being as ignorant as Game.
Game never said all gay people have Aids..I understand what he said..if your'e gay don't hide it..those in the closet is lyning to the people around them or they are involved with..stand up and tell the truth..don't be ashamed of who you are.It is wrong to have Aids or any other STD and not tell the oerson you are involved with..
...... Not to justify, but i think i ignorance as well as stereo types is what causes for these things to happen. Until things that "go against the grain" are accepted..... It is real hard to tell a person what to do and say based off of what they do in the bedroom. His statement came off extremely personal. The consideration is lost when we don't acknowledge the gays lol not FAGGOTS..... Considering a gay man appreciates his manhood and appreciates it with others. I understand where he is working his info from, as long as we understand where the unnecessary act came from... So in addition to the original blog... Think about the source.... Adultery...
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