Rapper T.I. has been sent to a 'different facility' only one day after he was released from a federal correctional center in Forrest City, Arkansas to a halfway house in his hometown of Atlanta. According to reports, prison officials objected to the star having a lavish tour bus to transport from one location to the other.
T.I., born Clifford Harris, had agreed to utilize his own transportation to get from prison to the halfway house, but apparently officials are now reviewing his use of a tour bus.
It has not been disclosed as of yet where exactly T.I. was transferred. A U.S. Bureau of Prison spokesperson wouldn't reveal the rapper's location.
Whaaaat? They should've cleared that up prior to transport, where is his lawyer?!
This is crazy... wow!! keep your head up the devil is busy don't let him win the battle.
Some straight up BULLSHIT! They doing that cause he's BLACK with money. They didn't do Linsey Lohan like that. Racist bitches. Get off TI's dick damn!!!!
They need to leave my man alone, them just hatin on him!!!!
Dats messed up.....dey always trynna fuck up a black person life.....in dat case det need 2 do casey anthony ass like dat....but dey sorry ass wont.....lol
It should not matter how he got there as long as he got there. He is a star, that is how he roll.
Nuuuh uhhhhn FUCK That.!!!! He did nothing wrong
Can't keep a good brother down
what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger.. just one more day...
I have never heard of such non-sense. Did they not see that big ass tour bus pull up in front of the that prison? Really is this how it is a america? They will find anyway possible to hide behind racism.
Shutup about "It's because he's black!". That had nothing to do with it, damn. It's people like y'all that are racist and keep the ignorance around. Obama blacker than a muh fucker, grow the hell up. If anything black people are treated better, real talk. We get the hook up. This dude has been in and out of jail for a few years now, yea they gonna watch him a lil closer. Get some common sense, dumbasses.
Them pussy ass crackers trying to railroad that man...All this is happening to T.I because he never joined the illuminati....Keep yah head up T.I.P...You gone touchdown for good my dude...Bankhead shit niggaz.!!!
Now that's a bunch of BS.
Well I am glad he could move closer too home. They said he could move at his own expense so who cares how much he spent an how he got there long as he did not use their money
Right? He should be able to get there how ever he gets there. I mean...if it were one of us would it matter if we were riding in a ford instead of a chevy? Who the fuck cares? Dude still has a job to do and the "prison officials" are trying to prevent him from doing that.
Black, white who cares no one knows him or the situation personally, stop with the race card, that's all black folks lean on these days, who out killing one another? Worry bout that,not about some rich black guy who getting his stuff handled. There ate bigger problems in the world besides rich people going to jail...DAM GET A LIFE!!!
umm really its cause he's black he is still in there? or the fact we he got let out the first time his dumb ass went right to doing drugs? sounds more like thats the reason.
Leave ti alone!
I love TIP...however just because your a star doesn't mean you get to have it your way...an ordinary jo blow has to pay the price so should he...and plus he's out now...anybody else would be still in...he should be thanking God and not trying to take advantage of the situation.
Leave that damn man alone damn..that white bitch Casey Anthony go free for murder but they wanna mess with him for driving a bus bitch get fareal..And it is about race bcuz white ppl got to kill 10 ppl to go to jail but black ppl get 5years for fighting in a club...RACIST BITCHES!!!!
Its funny how quick people jump on here talking about "It's not about race!!" How about STFU!! It is about race, look around people! Do you see that our black people get life or several fn years in jail for the crimes we commit and white people get off with a couple of years or even just probation. They make an example out of us ALL THE FN TIME!! Example Casey Anthony kills her baby and gets off scott fn free. Michael Vick kills a stankin ass dog and goes straight to prison (don not pass go, do not collect $200). This is a public example that most people are aware of. The judicial system screws over our people on a regular basis. Do your homework and pay attention not just to the media bullsh*t but the other small cases that do not make the headlines in the news.
, they did not specify whether he had to come by busy or car........ Now if his family was with him, they should have specified that........ I think that was stupid
Real talk people. I have been on T.I.P.'s team from day one but, real is real he phucked up. He came out and knew he was on probation. Why not get a in the Maybach and let your people drive while you smoke with the sunroof open or sumthin. Or better yet stay at the crib and blow haze. Bottom line he did himself, he G'd up to it and until he gets clear of this charge they are gonna have him on a short leash. I don't care bout the rest of it. Homie get done wit this and go on wit your life fam. One.
well that sounds about right for a drug charge as serious as the one he commited. Its not because hes black or has money, its because he's obviously a REAL drug user, like alot of us are. Lindsay is also but she has done her stint in rehab FOR her drug posession charge and the rest are alot of dirty UA's. It is what it is, the same has happened to me and i'm sure alot of people out there. Im one of Tip;s biggest fans but dont forget, "birds of a feather"
T.I. need to stay his ass outta' fuckn jail and he won't hafta' worry bout that. I know he feel like he got this so called "THUG IMAGE" he gotta maintain, but his music is too good for him to be in prison all the damn time. U suppose to get wiser as u grow older, not dumb as fuck!
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