Tameka "Tiny" Cottle, wife of e-incarcerated rapper T.I., has broken her silence on her husband's return to prison for a mysterious transportation violation. The Atlanta native blasted officials for taking issue with T.I. leaving the Forrest City, Arkansas prison facility in a lavish motor coach.
"[They] walked him over, took pics and told him good luck in life." Tiny says, "This is a bunch of bulls**t ... they should have said something before he got on the bus. T.I. would have politely gotten into a van."
She adds, "T.I. is one of the strongest individuals I know ... and they just trying to break him in more ways than one and it's not gonna work! 'Cause what God got for him, can't no man take that away ... period!"
Say it gurl
Dam dats fucced up.. FREE TI
They petty as hell. T.I just need to stay out they way cause they be truly bull shitting.. They wonted him back in jail cause if they didn't they would have told him, no you can not get on that coach bus.!
Tiny really said a mouth full then cause it is so apparent they're tryin to break him but all TI has to do is stay prayed up & believe God will see him thru all of this.
It should'nt have made a difference how he left there..he did his time...
See we as human sometimes don't understand God's plans.. This sounds like a set up from God.. Everytime T.I. gets into something he is put out there.. God, would have for T.I. to stay true to the things He has asked him... Yes, T.I. is trying to live but if he could tell you about his conversations w/ God you will find that T.I. is being lined up w/ God word.. He should start praising God in these things and watch the enemy flee!!
I agree with Tiny, but he has to accept what God will allow..Through these things hopefully he will be even stronger, but stronger in an even better way(In the Word of God) I am wishing you and your family all the best. Be Blessed!
All I wanna know is when he comin home! ATL misses him!
T.I. knows that everybody is watching him. Be a rapper in the studio, and not on the street. Get released from jail just like any other negroid take the DOT home. And weed ain't all that to be messin' your life up about.
T.I and Tiny need to Repent and Sin no More....I mean, destroy the 'root' of the problem (that which caused T.I. to go back to jail) and you destroy the problem.
To thine own-self be true...Repent, and Sin No More, so T.I. can come home and stay out of Jail....on Lock-Down...Repent!!
Perhaps, this is what God has for T.I....Freedom!!
God is Good..All The Time, Ya'll!
Peace n Luv, Prasie God. :-)
I love you Tiny..you are a inspiration and i pray all gpes well for T.I .....God aint bring him this far for.nothing!!! God Bless!!!
God doesn't exist shwoogies
T.I is a very strong and intelligent black man. This showdown in any and everything that he does. It's displayed very well as much as they might try I don't think they'll ever be able to break his character with that being said if u dnt have any haters u not doing something right! I will be praying for him and his family, but I know he will get thru this!
All Respect to TI, but lets be real. He just got out, not even a year yet, why did he put himself in that kind of position??. The things he rap about is life as he knows it and how to get from under it. But whats the point of making mistakes if your not learning from them. I hope that he takes that time to reevaluate his life, and cut out the so-called friends that aren't about positive things. God Bless You TI, but truly Don't disappoint ya fans the next time you out.
Tip, ya gotta stay humble pimp! You on they radar, sooooo ya gotta be stealth. Move nice when ya hit the soil,you appear to be a intelligent,well spoken BLACK MAN! And they hate it!!..... Tiny continue to support ya husband and hold him down,keep ya family in good spirits an GOD BLESS!
Just hope TI stay out of trouble ! God bless !
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