Drake was happy that pop star Justin Bieber issued his own version of the Young Money stars "Trust Issues." Drake only had one suggestion--he wanted the Beebs to cuss a little more. The pint size pop singer delivered the song with none of the profanity.
Drake wants Bieber to be a little edgier.
"I wish he would've left all the cuss words in it. I feel like that would've been so G, if he would've done all the swearing," Drake told MTV News. "I was excited when I heard he remixed it, because there was like a gang of swearing in that song. I was like, 'Oh, we're about to hear the transformation of Bieber.'"
Thats not g.. who is supposed to be a role mofel for our youth if cussing is being encouraged, and defined as making you edgier, and it will transform you... C'mon Drake...
Drake gets a big C'MON SON!!! i got kids and edgier is not what i want my kids to be. imagine how much of fan base he would lose. give JB a few more years before he makes grown folks music
agreed Drake. Totally agreed.
that godless bastard just wants to corrupt j beibs, and only wants him to conform to the rest of the secular music's ungodly mindsets..J Beiber manned up real good when he gave a shout out to Jesus during the VMA's.. I hope i doesn't fall into such an influence and keeps it pure. God Bless...P.S Jesus is Lord
Bieber fever. otherwise known as downs syndrome.
What's even more strange is Lil Wayne is turning down doing a song wit JB bcuz he doesn't want to taint his career. He will lose a big part of his fan base.. I see why Wayne is the boss and Drake isn't.
Charisma_ ppl just need to stfu and stop thinkin these celebrities are role models for anybody, it's there opinion and there gonna think and do n say wat thy want to live ur own damn life dammit... Sheesh (DHATT)
What the hell are some of you talking about? The kid makes songs about every single sin there is, but if he curses, then all of a sudden he's a bad role model? Wow, some of you really need to get down off your high horse.
thats the gayest shit ever said today
the fact that curse words have soooooo much power will never cease to boggle my mind. only reason they're ever a big deal at all is because people made them a big deal... think about it.
that said, i wouldn't have listened to JB's remix of whatever Drake song regardless of him cussing or not. hell, I hardly listen to Drake as it is.
Its ok to be clean...watever u do jus be true to self
"What the hell are some of you talking about? The kid makes songs about every single sin there is, but if he curses, then all of a sudden he's a bad role model? Wow, some of you really need to get down off your high horse."
Well said there. Very well said.
Ok 1st of all that was a HORRIBLE "remix". 2nd of all, @ lordz_soulja: if u weren't so busy being so judgemental, you'd see a LOT wrong w/this "remix". U call Drake a "Godless bastard" (which he cld be, idk). But have u LISTENED 2 Bieber's version? 1. He left in Drake's rap verse which has plenty of cussin in it. So wats the point of not cussin cuz he's a role model but leavin other cuss words in it? 2. He said the "2 white cups and I got that drank" part. Do u know wat that means? 3. He said the "I'm on 1" part. Do u know wat THAT means? 4. He also said "u know wat I'm sippin, ill teach u how 2 mix it". Shld a role model be promoting drinking? And last but not least, u gave him a shoutout 4 mentioning Jesus @ the awards. And that means wat? Stars never fake, lie, and say/do things 2 keep up an image huh? U need 2 research something called "illuminati". Cuz I got a REAL good feelin Bieber's a part of it now 2. B4 u throw stones u shld have all the facts in order. That's is all....
@ writehand: I agree 100%
@ mark wins: I agree w/that also. Words have only the power we ALLOW them 2 have....
Really!!! JB don't need to cuss and why is everbody paying that much detail in his words. My thing is if you teach your kids right from wrong and a parent does his/her job you don't have to worry about him cussing or not.
Just because JB is completely perfect, (taking that nobody is) doesn't mean he has to become wayyyyyyyyyyyy worst by conforming to bad influence. To curse and spice up another audience. Take it the young man is a Christian. A follower of God is more than words it's action. He's bold, brave and I pray he doesn't turn away.
Come on people....learn to be ur kids role models and quit relying on others to do ur damn jobs! Just pathetic!!!
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