Nicki Minaj spoke up for herself in a recent issue of Glamour magazine. The sexy First Lady of Young Money discussed her style and dismissed the critics who think she's too gimmicky and garish. She also admitted that who she is on her off-days isn't necessarily who she is onstage.
Do you, Barbie...
“In my downtime, I’m the most low-key person in the world," she revealed. "We all have insecurities, but you have to know you’re beautiful. I’m comfortable in my skin and I don’t feel the need to change for anyone."But how confident is a person who hides behind wigs and fake accents all the time? Oh well--good to know, Nicki.
dont judge someone you dont know get a life doyuor self
If what she does is making her rich than more power to her. I dont think her costumes make her insecure. It makes money, and the real her is probably not as exciting. Everybody has an alter ego.
she's had butt/cheek/breast implants. she's full of insecurities.
yo why does she wear bras in all her oulfits that a bra shouldnt be worn.like are her tits fake?!
What you consider 'fake' and 'low confidence' is called SKILL!! Those who can, DO. Those who can't write about those who can..
So she's real as a rapper and she keeps it 100% in life every rapper has two sides it's just the way it is
If wearing wigs sales records and puts money in the bank and keeps u relevant ... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK :)
She is obviously fake she wants to be a barbie and wha the fuck is a barbie? Fake and plastic c,mon ya sound stupid saying shes not... Her ass is fake... Not a hatr i love her music but being urself is more exciting everyone else is taken ur the only one thats you.... Look at adele i love her music shes beautiful..
Oh cmon... wigs and fake accents does Not mean someone is insecure lol.. It means they want their hair a certain way and they like a certain accent.
the nikki do ,she does it to the fullest and she dnt have fake anything and she deffently lil kim ppl r so funny.cdfu
she keeps it "100% real" but yet when incident of her being acidentally hit in the face with a suitcase by a male she had to go to the hospital where it was discovered she was lying about her age by one year. Yep thats "100% real for ya"
Well I think she not fake. That's her bein her and if she wanna wear wigs and have a fake behind let her. I kno she makin more money than many of her haters. Sooo..... Justt let her do herself . Everybody has an alter ego so what she has more thaan one so what she has different voices for them that's her bein her and that's all that matters. AT LEAST SHE NOT ONE OF THOSE UNKNOWN RAPPERS FROM ATL MAKIN PARODIES FROM SONGS TRYNA BE SOMEBODY. SHE'S A SOMEBODY
ok sooo how much money did you make last year? How many trips have you been on lately? How many breast have you signed and how many lap dances have you given? Wtf thats why the world is so f!#kd up now.. assholes assuming shit!
Actually det was all a lie about being hit with a suitcase. 1 you would know that if you followed her on twitter. 2 you would know it was fake because she was at a concert the same day the same night and same time they said it happened. USE YA RESOURCES AND FIND STUFF OUT
Well I made about 150,000 dollars last month yea I make money. I went to italy paris china austailia and I just got back from Japan. Yea I take a lot of trips. I give many lap dances to my husband and ion sign boobs they sign mine so... ion dink I assume things I work them
Maybe she jus does it becuz thats what she LIKES to do. Theres nuthing wrong with but everyone has things they want to change about them including nicki.. and she loves herself enough to make a change. No matter how she did it. She did!!!
` Too Mehh' She's The Realest Rapper I Know . She Keeps It 1OO % ALL The Time ! Who Cares If You Wear Wiqs ? Your Still Nicki Minaj ! And Nicki Minaj Is A BEAST At What She Does ! NOBODY Can Touch Her What So Ever , Point Blank Period !
Well she still yound but she not fake I mean a 26 yr. old she not even in her prime yet ppl
I agree she keep it real she kno exactly wha she duiin she make money she make songs she went double freakin platnium on superbass she's happi leave her alone
Neither of us knows this woman personally to know if she is fake or not. We should, however, understand that as an entertainer characters are developed. Its entertainment, like acting. Acting doesn't make the actor fake so why should it make a Singer or rapper fake? We should really learn to worry about our own issues rather than being constantly concerned about anyone else's. I'm not really a Nicki Minaj fan. I do have a question for these fanatics though, so what if a person makes money if they are dying on the inside. Money doesn't buy you happiness and self love, it only buys you things and this is why so many celebrities using drugs and alcohol as an escape. Smh
Whii mess wit nicki y'all act like she done make money from what she does. We don see y'all makin money from y'all faake interviews and uglii suits do we. You never wen double platnium on a songs no y'all haven't so stop hatin on nicki she duiin her 100% no wait she duiin herself infiniti%
Y'all keep it reall
Neither of us knows this woman personally to know if she is fake or not. We should, however, understand that as an entertainer characters are developed. Its entertainment, like acting. Acting doesn't make the actor fake so why should it make a Singer or rapper fake? We should really learn to worry about our own issues rather than being constantly concerned about anyone else's. I'm not really a Nicki Minaj fan. I do have a question for these fanatics though, so what if a person makes money if they are dying on the inside. Money doesn't buy you happiness and self love, it only buys you things and this is why so many celebrities using drugs and alcohol as an escape. Smh
Well I luvh nicki minaj but yu are rite I'm not worried about her I jus don understand whii ppl waste dey time on blogs when dis stuff is prob fake. Ur rite we don kno her but we can luvvh her SMH
Who ever wrote that article is a (((HATER)))) let that woman be her she is different in her own way we all have flaws and I don't see her millions of fans tripping and I wouldn't call that fake she is doing her job...{Do you call a actor fake for being a different character in every movie no be cause he or she is acting} She is in the entertainment industry so let her entertain her fans and stop hating...
For you to write this as an author and remain nameless is fake; hiding behind a website. For you to write it seeming unbiased until the very end is fake. You could left that part out. what's your point. People are different. And you are the epitome of hiding behind something so... Do you... And stay out of everyone else's business if you can't be 1. Unbiased or 2. State your name. People like you suck! ...tweekn for reads...
Money don make a person it makes a devil fame doesn't make a star it makes a alien. She gets money but she not a devil or fake. She got fame but she not a alien she jus keepin it real
People here need to shut up taking about how real she is. I don't see how fake boobs butt injections, and wigs makes you real.
I hate blogs like dis foreall I hate ppl whuu write dese blogs realli is the only thing the have to do is to diss on celeberties foreal
She real cuz dehts what she wanna duu if she wanna have a fake behind let her she keepin it reall cuz dehts what she want she can't be shy wit herself yes she make money but hell its up tu her wha she do wit it if she wanna buy a fake behind she bought it wit her money not urs so stfu haters
Whii be dumb she not fake
Ummm last thing I saw from nicki was her gettin double platnium on superbass and makin a great video wit Rhianna I think it name is Fly! She's not makin money off of wearin some pastry clothes. Y'all ain't say nun when lady gaga was dressed up as a man of when she dressed up in meat. No she's on thee edge of glory. Whii can't Nicki Minaj Fly without haters.
Honestly everybody has a character to play...celebrity and normal people...wut she wears is her business...but MONEY DOESN'T MAKE YOU A BETTER RAPPER...I respect her character cuz everyone needs a laugh...but as far as flows she's ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE...along with a few other mainstream rappers out there...this is coming from a rapper and not some hater who can't rap...real nigga shit...I will lyrically murder a lot of rappers but they make it cuz they got one thing a lot of cold underground rappers like myself don't...MONEY...it's not fair but it is what it is...but I'm gonna make it one day trust and believe that
Nicki is dope I don't like the fake booty so big she went over board boobz r great dope rapped she like it I love it
She is in the entertainment business. It is her job to entertain, to be different than the others, to produce a ' wow' factor to make the consumer want more. That is her style, that is how she chooses to entertain her fans. If no one liked it, there wouldnt be a blog about her at all right now. So is that Lady Gaga insecure as well with all the crazy mess she be wearing? Is Kiss or Marilyn Manson insecure too? Come on now. It is just their choice of being different and more noticeable. And who gives a rat's behind if she nipped this, tuck that or stuffed the other?! None of our business anyway. We too damn nosey. Just let the people EnTeRtAiN! As long as they are not hurting anyone or themselves, what/listen to them or Not.
It's not called the "ENTERTAINMENT" industry for no reason! Entertainers aren't the characters that they portray!! You're clearly a fool to deem someone fake (or real!) If you do not know them on a personal level.
If I remember correctly, she did mention on a show that she focused on performing arts in high school...
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius... And It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than to be absolutely boring!
*with that being said, I REFUSE to pay for music or a show that I am not going to be entertained by"
I also believe that no one said anything about Katy Perry in California she be wearin dose purple wigs and pink wigs but when Nicki do it its fake and insecure? Smh
Hell she entertains me wit every song she blows out dere. She has an amazing body amazing voice amazing personality and once you meet her like I havh you will no that she an amazing person and she totally keep it real wit anyone everybody! She bossed up doe
Dumby I give a flying f***
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