Monday, March 12, 2012

Karrine Steffans' Tweets Were A Joke?

Karrine "Superhead" Steffans' racy tweets--that many assumed was about her still-anonymous husband--were all just a big joke.
At least that's what she says.
The author/video vixen posted a long Twitter rant over the weekend that included disses aimed at an unnamed male's 'manhood,' lack of money and her desire to be with a 'BOSS' instead of the loser she's currently with. But Steffans says she was just posting for entertainment purposes.
"Ppl who started following this new accnt b4 this wk know I have RANDOM rants," she posted. "This is all for entertainment & does not reflect my life... Usually I do this during #twittersfterdark but was inspired earlier in the day by the books I'm publishing & writing... True, I can relate to MANY of my tweets, just as you can, but they are not meant to be autobiographical all the time... My job is to entertain thru, whether in books or on Twitter. I like to keep ppl guessing but pls don't assume u know what I'm talking about."
But then, she played coy.
"I never once mentioned my husband. I can't deny or confirm that fact, not on twitter," says Steffans. "All I can do is continue writing my next book... This book can be fiction or non-fiction. So can these tweets. You can't be sure &, as an author, this is part of my job. To just entertain. It would be best advised that you don't take the internet or everything I say & do so seriously. We're all just having fun here. Enjoy!"

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